Zoo Tycoon : Complete Collection Cheat Codes

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Zoo Tycoon : Complete Collection Cheat Codes

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Name of the file: Zoo Tycoon : Complete Collection Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection [cheats] Additional Money 
This requires you to do some file editing, but it's very easy. Open the zoo.ini in your Zoo Tycoon directory with notepad or a similar text editor. Find the line that says "MSMaxCash". Change the figure next to it to whatever you want. This will change the maximum amount of money you can choose from when you start a zoo in the sandbox mode, for example 

Developer Mode 
If you have one of the BETA versions, hit Ctrl-D to access the Developer Mode. It will allow you to move zoo entrances and fences, add odd buildings, and even add vehicles. Remember, this only works in the BETA builds of Zoo Tycoon. I tried it with the full version, and it didn't work. 

Make Trees or Grid Disappear/Appear 
By pressing CRTL + F, you can make all trees in your zoo ''disappear'' (they still exist, they are just invisible for building purposes). Select CRTL + F again to make them reappear 

By pressing CRTL + G, you can make the main zoo grid appear of dissappear, allowed you to judge the zoo from a regular smooth vantage point, or see each individual square. 

Unlock Triceratops 
Name one of your exhibits "Cretaceous Corral". This will unlock the Triceratops. I should also note that if you name a brand new exhibit using this cheat, it will crash the game. Everyone who's done it with a new exhibit has experienced this, so keep it in mind. 

Yellow brick road 
Make an exhibit with a lion, a tiger and a bear. This will ......

...You will find the rest of this information in: Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection.txt,

if you download this file: anoztcccc.zip
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...You will find the rest of this information in: Trainers.nfo,

if you download this file: anoztcccc.zip
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Name of the zip file: anoztcccc.zip

File size: 2 010 octets

Downloads: 9799 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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