World of Warcraft - Hints

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World of Warcraft - Hints
Name of the file: World of Warcraft - Hints - Author: ANO - [PC]

Easy money
This works easily if you have high experience in Herbalism, First Aid, Skinning, Leather Working, etc. Get the materials needed for what you want to make. For example, for First Aid, kill lots of humanoids for linen cloth, wool cloth. Then, just sell the materials to an NPC. If you want more money, make something out of the leather, then sell or auction it off at the nearest auction house.

Taming Animals
When your a hunter at lvl 10, look for a hunter trainer and talk to him/her about a pet. He/she will send you on 3 quests with an item to tame animals. When you come back the third time you will need to talk to him/her after you return the item. He/she will seend you to another city who will teach how to feed, dismiss, call, and a few other commands for your pet that are ecentail.

Defeating Vagash
To kill Vagash on the "Protecting The Herd" quest, it is easier just to get a group with a healer ranged and a meat.

Learn how to fish, cook
Go to a trainer and learn the basics. Once your done with the basic learning, open your ability book. The ability you learned should be there. Drag the ability to your action bar. Once there, click on it and it will probably say what kind of items you need or where to go. You must have the correct weapons to do this. For fishing you will need a Fishing Rod; and for Mining you will need a Mining Pick. From there, once you reach a certain level in your abilities you can upgrade your weapons.

Where to find Ekeyakee
In the "Ekeyakee" quest given by Segra Darkthorn in the CrossRoads, go northeast to Grol'dom farm. Travel to the east side of the mountain, where you will find the bones of a Giant Kodo near a tree. Stand next to the head and blow the horn. Ekeyakee will appear, unless someone just killed him a moment ago. He will be standing next to the tail if done correctly, and is a level 16 White Lion. Remember that this is a quest, and if you kill him you cannot try again unless you get a friend to blow the horn and let you tame it. If this happens, he loses the horn. You can get a new one from Segra by abandoning the quest and getting it back from her.

View: 6435 times
Updated: 2005.02.08

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