Grand Thef Auto : San Andreas v1.0 Trainer +10

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Grand Thef Auto : San Andreas v1.0 Trainer +10

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Name of the file: Grand Thef Auto : San Andreas v1.0 Trainer +10 - Author: ANO - [PC]

Title   - GTA San Andreas
Options - +10
Version - 1.0
Date    - 08/06/05

Run The trainer before or during the game and press the
selected hotkey for the desired effect.

Proper Note: The money trainer by reebsaw was made in TMK making it a non legit scene trainer. Rules state 
             trainers have to be coded not made with shoddy makers.


F2 Infinite Health     - Gives you infinite health
F4 Infinite Ammo       - Give you infinite ammo
F9 Give $99999999      - Now I'm Lost ;)
F5 Instant Kill        - Everything will die in one hit simple as
F6 Instant Kill OFF    - Turn Instant kill off
F7 No Wanted Level     - No Police
F8 Max Wanted Level    - All Police
U Freeze Sweets Health - This is handy for missions like sweets girl it will stop his health decreasing so
                         you have as much time as you want to get to him.
F10 Freeze Game Time   - Freeze Game Time
F11 Light My Fire      - Any Car you drive into will set off a chain reaction of fire and all cars
                         in the immediate vacinity will blow so watch it
I   Enemy No Fire      - This will stop the enemie characters attacking you. This doesnt come without adverse effects though.
                         when entering or leaving a new area the camera will stay zoomed in at that one spot and youll be 
                         elsewhere. Just hit K to disable to sort the camera out.
F12 Disable Everything - Turn Everything off

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Name of the zip file:

File size: 12 388 octets

Downloads: 6535 times
Updated: 2005.06.22

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