Name of the file: Darkforces Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
Type them in whenever you need them: LAPOSTAL -Add weapons, ammo, & power ups LAMAXOUT -Max out all items LARANDY -Weapon super charge LAUNLOCK -Full inventory LAREDLITE -Freeze enemies LAPOGO -Disable height checking LACDS -Map supermode LASKIP -Force successful level completion LADATA -Coordinate information LABUG -Insect mode: fit into small places LAUNLOCK -Accessories The level codes: LASECBASE -Secret Base LATALAY -Talay:Tak Base LASEWERS -Anoat City LATESTBASE -Research Facility LAGROMAS -Gromas Mines LADTENTION -Detention Center LARAMSHED -Ramsees Hed LAROBOTICS -Robotic Facility LANARSHADA -Nar Shaddaar LAJABSHIP -Jabba's Ship LAIMPCITY -Imperial City LAFUELSTAT -Fuel Station LAEXECUTOR -The Executor LAARC -The Arc Hammer |
View: 6266 times |
Updated: 2006.02.12 |
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