Sacrifice Trainer +5

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Sacrifice Trainer +5

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Name of the file: Sacrifice Trainer +5 - Author: CYB - [PC]

Sacrifice +5 trainer. Copyright (c) By CyberMan, V 1.00, 07.11.2000


	1. Wizard god mode
	2. Full wizard's mana
	3. Instant spell casting
	4. Allow collect red souls
	5. Give 30 souls

	Supported game versions: 0.492.10.25


	Copy this trainer (CM-SACTR.EXE) into game directory and run it. Click
on option to do it. If you have questions, first try to read instructions in the

Additional information

	I know about game's internal cheat codes. Yes, I know, but can't do
anything. The game programmers doesn't place any codes into game. They just use
control summ of all letters (C formulae: dwCRC+=Char<<(Char%24); ) and brute
force cracking will take some years. I'am no idea about finding this codes, so
just wait until developers releases them. Anyway, very good cheats protection.
I find 11 codes available (in order as they placed into executable):

Code length in symbols		What's doing
	18			Spawn items
	11			Spawn items
	21			Healing wizard
	13			Fill mana
	17			Give 32 souls
	19			Allow red souls collect
	15			Give spell
	14			Reset spell timers
	23			Wizard invincible
	28			Wizard invincible
	12			Wizard level up

	And just winal word - 'Sacrifice' is very good game! I'am very impressed
with it.


...You will find the rest of this information in: cm-sactr.txt,

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...You will find the rest of this information in: Cheats.nfo,

if you download this file:
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Name of the zip file:

File size: 12 525 octets

Downloads: 10157 times
Updated: 2001.04.20

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