Name of the file: Space Rangers 2 : Rise of The Dominators Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC] |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Code Effect ------------------------------------------------- [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair - Over the Sun in Each System: 40 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax - Everywhere: 20 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall - Space: 20 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+RangerPoints - Ranger Station: 150 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+NextRank - Military Base: 90 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon - On Planet: 100 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon - On Planet: 20 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb - Space: 60 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact - Hyperspace: 40 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money - Space: 40 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop - Space: 60 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Packing - Space: 300 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem - Science Station: 160 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength - Pirate Base: 200 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb - Space: 140 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+RndBase - On Planet: 30 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector - Pirate Base: 20 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney - Hyperspace: 300 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise - Anywhere: 100 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull - Space: 250 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom - Battle in Hyperspace: 30 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers - Everywhere: 10 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates - Space: 100 [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Word means that you need to hold Ctrl and Shift keys, than type word and only than release Ctrl+Shift Cheats: ------- Shift+Ctrl+... M - Enter military base and type. S - Use when you are in space. C - Enter research base and type. P - You are in the pirates' base. L - On a planet. New (super) cheats for Reboot expansion. Use anywhere. Device - Gives a complete set of top-tier equipment. Arts - Gives one of each artefact. Module - Gives one of each Micromodules. Skill - maximizes all skills. Program - 100 copies of all programs. Stimulant - Applies all stimulants to player - they all last one year. Ideal - Transforms the player's hull into an "Ideal" class hull. Showmap - Reveals whole map. Technic - Equipment stops deteriorating. Ammo - Turns on unlimited ammo and fuel. Weapons no longer need to recharge in hyperspace. God - Invulnerability. Planetary battle cheats. No Shift+Ctrl required. Hurry The backup will be ready to arrive. MegaBust All robots and constructions of the player receive the double health (once per battle). Name : Fast repair ------------------ Description : Repairs all your equipment Use when : Everywhere To use : Lay on the sun and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Repair Cost: 40 Name : Dozen of klissans ------------------------ Description : next turn each klissan-occupied system produces 12 more klissan ships Use when : Everywhere To use : [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanMax Cost: 20 Name : Fake Z-transmiter ------------------------ Description : Summons klissans to the curent star system. Use when : You want to summon 20 or less klissans to your curent location. To use : [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanCall Cost: 20 Name : Lazy ranger ------------------ Description : Donate 1000 units of fake protoplasm Use when : You have less than 1000 unassigned ranger points. To use : Enter ranger base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+RangerPoints Cost: 150 Name : Promosion ---------------- Description : Instant promotion. Use when : Your rank is not the highest one. To use : Enter military base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+NextRank Cost: 90 Name : Cool gun --------------- Description : Planet's equipment shop receives high-end weapon for sale. Use when : You are on the inhabited planet To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+CoolWeapon Cost: 100 Name : Cheap gun ---------------- Description : Planet's equipment shop sells random weapon 1 cr Use when : You are on the inhabited planet with less tha 50 items in equipment shop To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+LowCostWeapon Cost: 20 Name : Two bombs ---------------- Description : Adds 2 quark bombs to your cargo hold Use when : You have less than 10 items in cargo hold. Use when you are in space. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Bomb Cost: 60 Name : Random artifact ---------------------- Description : Adds random artifact to your cargo hold Use when : You have less than 10 items in cargo hold. Use when you are in hyperspace. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Artefact Cost: 40 Name : Money ------------ Description : Changes you money to 10000 cr Use when : Everywhere To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Money Cost: 40 Name : Drop ------------ Description : Closest ship drops all of his equipment except engine and fuel tank. Use when : Closest ship is not Mahpella. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Drop Cost: 60 Name : Packing -------------- Description : Halves size and weight of each player owned item on the ship. Except hull, of course. Use when : You are in space. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Packing Cost: 300 Name : Gift of science ---------------------- Description : Scientist give you Klissani item. Use when : Everywhere To use : Enter research base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+KlissanItem Cost: 160 Name : Evil strength -------------------- Description : Damage by your and pirates' weapons is 10-20 points higher. You became a pirate. Planets and civilian ships start hating you. Use when : You are in the pirates' base To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+WeaponStrength Cost: 200 Name : Bombardment ------------------ Description : 10 quark boms appear in space at disstance 800-1500 from the player. Use when : You are in space To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+10Bomb Cost: 140 Name: New Base -------------- Description: creates a random base in the current system. Rules: There can be no more then 3 bases in the current system. To use: On a planet type, Shift+Ctrl+RndBase Cost: 30 Name : Show sector ------------------ Description : Shows unssen sector on the map. Use when : Your galaxy map is incomplete. To use : Enter pirates' base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+OpenMapSector Cost: 20 Name : Huge money ----------------- Description : +100000 cr. Use when : You have less that 1 million cr. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HugeMoney Cost: 300 Name : Pelengs' superiority --------------------------- Description : Pelengs manufacture weapons with double range! Non-peleng planets and civilian ships start hating you Use when : Anywhere. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+PelengSurprise Cost: 100 Name : Hyperstrength -------------------- Description : Adds 30% more to your hull. Repairs damage. Use when : You are in space To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+SuperHull Cost: 250 Name : Big bang! ---------------- Description : Enemy hyperspace ships suicide. Use when : Fighting an arcade battle in hyperspace To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Boom Cost: 30 Name : Hate rangers ------------------- Description : All non ranger ships become hostile upon all rangers. Planet and ranger-to-ranger attitudes remain the same. Use when : In space. To use : Type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+HateRangers Cost: 10 Name : Pirats' uprising ----------------------- Description : Each commonwealth controled system produces one more pirate next turn. Use when : Everywhere To use : Enter pirates' base and type [Shift]+[Ctrl]+Pirates Cost: 100 Cheat mode: ----------- For the following codes goes that you need to hold down SHIFT+CTRL to activate them, and then type the code. There are some codes that need to be entered in a specific area or part of the game. Note: Each of these codes has a cost in cheat points, which are replenished at the rate of 1/day. If you try to activate a cheat you do not have the points for, you will be informed of your current number of cheat points: Code Result --------------------------------------------------------------- boom (in hyperspace) destroys all enemies unless Keller is present - 30 points hugemoney (as above) 100,000 credits - 300 points nextrank (in military base) get next military rank - 90 points packing (in space) reduces weight/size of equipped standard items by half - 300 points rangerpoints (in ranger station) gain 1000 ranger points - 150 points repair fly into sun, full repair of items - 40 points rndbase (on a plant) random base forms in the current system, max 3 - 30 points |
View: 6470 times |
Updated: 2006.03.30 |
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