Glory of The Roman Empire Cheat Codes

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Glory of The Roman Empire Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Glory of The Roman Empire Cheat Codes - Author: ANO - [PC]

Enter any of the following codes during game play:

Result - Code:

Double production - hardwork
Happy citizens - makelove
Immortal soldiers - heromode
Instant construction - magicbuild
50 gold - almsforthepoor
50 of all resources - resourcesneeded
No fire - firefighter
No plague - nogravediggers
No riots - peacemaker
No upkeep - unbreakable
Set all buildings on fire - fireitout
Set all friendly - herekittykitty
Set all hostile - youaresissy
Set plague - deadmanwalking
Unlimited gold - showmethemoney
Unlimited resources - hornofplenty

View: 4930 times
Updated: 2006.07.22

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