Marine Sharpshooter 3 Cheat Codes

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Marine Sharpshooter 3 Cheat Codes
Name of the file: Marine Sharpshooter 3 Cheat Codes - Author: TNT - [PC]

Arg (Argument) *Legend*:
F = Floating Point value (Either a fractional number or A whole number,
can be positive or negative in value)
Example: 4923.32

0 / 1 = A Toggle (0 will Disable, 1 will Enable)

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):

FreezeFrame <F> Freeze Frame after delaying # seconds
Example: FreezeFrame 3
But how do you UnFreeze it, other than quiting the game?

Teleport Teleport to surface player is looking at
Note: put your Targeting Reticle over the Location of
where you wish to teleport to.

ChangeSize <F> Scale the player's size
Makes your Character larger or smaller.
Example: ChangeSize 1.5
(1 seems to be the normal value)
Negative numbers such as ǃ are allowed, but that makes
you too small and you fall right through the ground.

LockCamera 1 Lock the Camera in place
This is really neat because you can move forward, then
rotate your character with the mouse to see yourself
from a third person perspective (and see your Face!)

LockCamera 0 The camera resumes normal operation, where it follows
you in First Person mode

FreeCamera 1 Enable the "Chase Mode" third-person style Camera

FreeCamera 0 The camera resumes normal operation, where it follows
you in First Person mode

Amphibious Underwater Breathing Time = +999999.0
<no useful effect in this game>

Fly You feel much lighter
Enable Fly Mode

Walk Disable both Fly Mode and/or Ghost Mode

Ghost You feel ethereal
NoClip, meaning you can move through objects and
walls. Also permits you to Fly, you evil spectre!

AllAmmo Sets your Number of Clips for all weapons to the maximum

Invisible 1 Set Player Invisible
Makes your character Invisible to enemies
(This only works for enemies that have not already
seen you before you ran the cheat code!)

Invisible 0 Set Player Visible
Makes your character Visible to enemies

God God (Invincible)
Toggle God Mode ON or OFF

Phil phil == god
(Toggle God Mode ON or OFF)

SetJumpZ <F> Set Jump Force
Example: SetJumpZ 1500
Use over 400 to jump higher than normal.
<no useful effect in this game>

SetGravity <F> Set Gravity
Example: SetGravity 500
(񮆸 seems to be the normal value)
Higher numbers let you jump higher and cause objects to
fly further in the air (such as: bullets, grenades, and
dead bodies hit by explosive weapons)

SetSpeed <F> Set Game Speed (Slow Motion)
NOTE that it only affects you and not the enemies!
Example: SetSpeed 2
^ 2x Normal Speed
Example: SetSpeed .25
^ 1ǚ Normal Speed
Try any numbers you wish.
(1 seems to be the normal value)

SloMo <F> Set Game Speed (Slow Motion)
NOTE that it affects everyone & everything in the game.
Example: SloMo 2
^ 2x Normal Speed
Example: SloMo .25
^ 1ǚ Normal Speed
Try any numbers you wish.
(1 seems to be the normal value)

Loaded AllWeapons & AllAmmo
Get all available weapons for the current mission and
sets your Number of Clips for all weapons to the maximum

AllWeapons Get all available weapons for the current mission
Note: you can hit the numbers 1dž on your keyboard to
cycle through all weapons of a specific class. An
example is to keep tapping "2" to cycle through all
small guns.

FreezeAll Freeze all enemies, allies, vehicles, etc.
Meaning only you (human players) can move.

PlayersOnly Only Human Players can move
(Pretty much the same effect as "FreezeAll")

ruler Something to do with Navigation Points,
but it is probably disabled in this game.
<no useful effect in this game>

Bling <F> CheatGimmeCash. Probably disabled in the game,
or else it would give you cash of amount <F>.
Note: probably requires "EnableCheats" to be
run first.
<no useful effect in this game>

Suicide Kill yourself (and fail the mission)

quit Exit the Game back to your Operating System

exit Exit the Game back to your Operating System

■ Installation ■

1. Start the game.

2. Open the game Console:
Hit the key " ` " or " ~ " also known as Tilde.

A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor.

3. Enter your codes.

Note: You may hit the UpArrow and DownArrow keys to cycle through previously
entered codes.

4. Hit " ` " or " ~ " or ESCAPE to leave the console.

5. Note that the game will disable most Cheat Codes after reaching an auto-save
checkpoint. So, just re-enable any ones that you like when that happens.

View: 6657 times
Updated: 2007.07.14

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