Carnivores : Dinosaur Hunter - iPhone - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Carnivores : Dinosaur Hunter - iPhone - Author: ANO

Game Center achievements
Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Advanced: Earn 1,000 points in Hunt mode.
Alive: Withstand 10 waves in Survive mode.
Amateur: Earn 500 points in Hunt mode.
Animal Activist: Shoot a dinosaur with a tranquilizer.
Archaeologist: Discover an archaeology outpost on Delphaeus Hills.
Collector: Shoot at least one dinosaur of each type.
Expert: Score 2,000 points in Hunt mode.
Explorer: Hunt on each area.
First Blood: Shoot a dinosaur for the first time in Hunt mode.
Hunter: Shoot a carnivore for the first time in Hunt mode.
Last Second Save: Shoot a carnivore in Hunt mode just before it kills you.
Madman: Shoot a T-Rex without any helpers.
Marathoner: Accumulate 42 km of traveled path.
Ornithologist: Shoot a flying dinosaur in Hunt mode.
Poacher: Completely fill the trophy room.
Scientist: Read the Help.
Sharpshooter: Shoot two dinosaurs in 20 seconds in Hunt mode.
Sniper: Finish the Hunt with 100% accuracy.
Survived: Withstand 20 waves in Survive mode.
Swimmer: Swim 100 meters.
T-Rex Hunter: Shoot a T-Rex for the first time.
To The Bitter End: Shoot a dinosaur with your last bullet in Hunt mode.
Total Annihilation: Shoot all target dinosaurs on the map in Hunt mode.
William Tell: Shoot a T-Rex using a crossbow.

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