Kimimon - iPhone - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Kimimon - iPhone - Author: ANO

Quick Kimimon Growth
I found this out while mucking about with my iPod time and date setting. If you set the date as far back as you can, then leave it to scroll to the 1970 something date automatically, it should help you with your glitch. Now if you go on to kimimon it will have full stats (if it's working hopefully) then muck about for a bit. Then set the date to the farthest date in the future it can go, until it once again automatically sets itself back to whatever date it can go farthest to. Now back out and go onto Kimimon. You should have a ridiculously high score and if your kimimon hasn't went into it's cocoon yet it will show it in it's cocoon (putting the time back and then forwarding it again should make kimimon come out) Then you should have a kimimon adult with A LOT of score. But while attempting this you must be patient; sometimes you may have to repeat the time changes until it works. Note: You can change the time and date back to the real time after without any changes made

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