Grand Theft Auto 4 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Grand Theft Auto 4 Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Cheat mode
While playing the game, press Up to display Niko's cell phone. Press Up again to access the keypad. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Note: Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Enabling some cheats will prevent the indicated achievement(s) from being earned. You can usually only spawn one vehicle at a time. Any previously spawned vehicles will disappear. However, if you spawn a vehicle, save the game, and load again, you can spawn another one and your original will not disappear. You must have it in your parking space in front of a safehouse or it will be gone before you have a chance to spawn another.

Full health and armor
Dial "3625550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Full health, armor, and ammunition
Dial "4825550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 1
Dial "4865550100" on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0150". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 2
Dial "4865550150" on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Remove Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Add one star to Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0150".

Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
Dial "3595550100" on the cell phone. The Annihilator is armed with rockets. Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Spawn Cognoscenti
Dial "2275550142" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".

Spawn Comet
Dial "2275550175" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".

Spawn FBI Buffalo
Dial "2275550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".

Spawn Jetmax
Dial "9385550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".

Spawn NRG-900
Dial "6255550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".

Spawn Sanchez
Dial "6255550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".

Spawn SuperGT
Dial "2275550168" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-

Spawn Turismo
Dial "2275550147" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".

Change weather and brightness
Dial "4685550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100".

Secret map locations
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter "" as a URL to view maps that reveal all weapon, health, armor, vehicle, pigeon, ramp/stunt, and entertainment locations.

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Annihilator police helicopter: Collect all 200 pigeons (flying rats).

No ammo limit: Get a 100\% completion.

Rastah Color Huntley SUV: Successfully complete 10 Package Delivery missions.

Special friendship bonuses
Reach the indicated level of friendship with the corresponding character to unlock their special friendship ability:

Alex (screen name "LiberatedWoman")
Method: Look for the personal ad from "LiberatedWoman" in the "Women seeking men" section of the "" website. Alex is somewhat of a self-centered, spoiled rotten rich girl. She will compliment Niko for wearing expensive clothing and driving expensive cars. She will also write about her exploits with Niko in her blog at "". Reach 80\% friendship with her.

Special ability: 50\% off at all clothing stores.


Method: Take him bowling, drinking, eating, strip clubs, shows, helicopter tours, and boating to reach 70\% friendship.

Special ability (Chopper Ride): Call Brucie, and he will fly his helicopter to you. This allows you to fast travel to various portions of the city.

Carmen (screen name "SoboHoe")

Special ability (Health Boost): Restores Niko's health over the phone. She will call Niko every chance she gets.


Method: Take him to strip clubs, eating, drinking, shows, and bowling to reach 60\% friendship.

Special ability (Extra Help): Call Dwayne to have a car full of gang members follow you.

Kiki (screen name "LawChick")

Method: Date LawChick via "" through the in-game internet. Take her out a few times to reach 75\% friendship. When dropping her off, select the "Try your luck" option. Afterwards, she will call you and say she can clear the feds.

Special ability (Remove Up to 3 Wanted Stars): Call her on your cell phone, and select "Clear wanted levels".

Little Jacob

Method: Take him to darts, shows, pool, drinking, eating, and strip clubs to reach 60\% friendship.

Special ability (Discount Guns): Call Little Jacob, and he will drive out a car full of guns for you to buy.


Method: Take him to strip clubs, shows, darts, drinking, bowling, pool to reach 75\% friendship.

Special ability (Boom?): Call Packie, and he will make a car bomb for you.


Method: Take him to bowling, darts, drinking, eating, pool, shows, and the strip club to reach 60\% friendship.

Special ability (Free Ride): Call Roman, and he will send a free cab.


Method: Successfully complete all 30 of his vehicle thefts.

Special ability: The South Bohan garage will now offer money for any vehicle you deliver. The better the condition, the more money you will earn.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

Off The Boat (5 points): Complete the first mission.
One Hundred And Eighty (10 points): In a darts game score 180 with 3 darts.
Pool Shark (10 points): Beat a friend at pool.
King of QUB3D (15 points): Beat the High Score in QUB3D.
Finish Him (15 points): Complete 10 melee counters in 4 minutes.
Genetically Superior (25 points): Come first in 20 singleplayer street races.
Wheelie Rider (30 points): Do a wheelie lasting at least 500 feet on a motorbike.
Gobble Gobble (10 points): Score 3 strikes in a row, a turkey, in 10-pin bowling.
Driving Mr. Bellic (10 points): Unlock the special ability of taxi.
Rolled Over (30 points): Do 5 car rolls in a row from one crash.
Walk Free (50 points): Lose a 4 star wanted rating by outrunning the cops.
Courier Service (10 points): Complete all 10 package delivery jobs.
Retail Therapy (10 points): Unlock the special ability of buying guns from a friend.
Chain Reaction (20 points): You must blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds.
One Man Army (40 points): Survive 5 minutes on 6 star wanted level.
Lowest Point (5 points): Complete mission "Roman's Sorrow".
Order Fulfilled (10 points): Complete all 10 Exotic Export orders.
Manhunt (15 points): Complete the most wanted side missions from the police computer.
Cleaned The Mean Streets (20 points): Capture 20 criminals through the police computer.
Fed The Fish (5 points): Complete the mission "Uncle Vlad".
It'll Cost Ya (5 points): Complete a taxi ride without skipping from one island to another.
Sightseer (5 points): Fly on all helicopter tours of Liberty City.
Warm Coffee (5 points): Successfully date a girl to be invited into her house.
That's How We Roll! (10 points): Unlock the special ability of helicopter.
Half Million (55 points): Reach a balance of $500,000.
Impossible Trinity (10 points): Complete mission "Museum Piece".
Full Exploration (20 points): Unlock all the islands.
You Got The Message (20 points): Deliver all 30 cars ordered through text message.
Dare Devil (30 points): Complete 100% of the unique stunt jumps.
Assassin's Greed (20 points): Complete all 9 assassin missions.
Endangered Species (50 points): Collect every hidden package in the game.
Under The Radar (40 points): Fly underneath the main bridges in the game that cross water with a helicopter.
Dial B For Bomb (10 points): Unlock the special ability of phoning for a bomb to be placed.
Gracefully Taken (10 points): Complete mission "I'll Take Her".
Liberty City (5) (20 points): After meeting all possible friends, the ones left alive all like you above 90%.
No More Strangers (5 points): Meet all random characters.
That Special Someone (10 points): Complete mission "That Special Someone".
You Won! (60 points): Complete the final mission.
Liberty City Minute (30 points): Complete the story missions in less than 30 hours.
Key To The City (100 points): Achieve 100% in "Game progress" statistic.
Teamplayer (10 points): Kill 5 players who are not in your team, in any ranked multiplayer team game.
Cut Your Teeth (5 points): Earn a personal rank promotion in multiplayer.
Join The Midnight Club (10 points): Win a ranked multiplayer race without damaging your vehicle too much and with damage enabled.
Fly The Co-op (15 points): Beat our time in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's Noose" and "Bomb da Base II".
Taking It For The Team (10 points): Be on the winning team in all ranked multiplayer team games.
Top Of The Food Chain (10 points): Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch.
Top The Midnight Club (20 points): Come first in 20 different ranked standard multiplayer races.
Wanted (20 points): Achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer.
Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic (30 points): Win all ranked multiplayer variations, all races and "Cops 'n Crooks", as both sides.
Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie (10 points): Kill a Rockstar developer in a ranked multiplayer match.

Cell Phone Passwords
At any time during the game, pull out Niko's phone and dial these numbers for the desired effect. Please note that cheats will affect missions and achievements.

* 468-555-0100 * Change weather

* 486-555-0150 * Get a different selection of weapons

* 486-555-0100 * Get a selection of weapons

* 267-555-0150 * Raise wanted level

* 267-555-0100 * Remove wanted level

* 362-555-0100 * Restore armour

* 482-555-0100 * Restore health, armor, and ammo

* 948-555-0100 * Song information

* 227-555-0142 * Spawn a Cognoscenti

* 227-555-0175 * Spawn a Comet

* 938-555-0100 * Spawn a Jetmax

* 625-555-0150 * Spawn a Sanchez

* 227-555-0168 * Spawn a SuperGT

* 227-555-0147 * Spawn a Turismo

* 359-555-0100 * Spawn an Annihiliator

* 227-555-0100 * Spawn an FIB Buffalo

* 625-555-0100 * Spawn an NRG-900

Easy health
Dial "911" on your cell phone. You will reach a voice menu. Dial "2" for an ambulance. When the ambulance arrives, the paramedic will restore your health for approximately $1,000. After he refills your health, kill him to get your money back. -From: Mike

Easy money
Go to an ATM, then cause a traffic jam to the area. Wait for someone to take money from the ATM, then kill him or her. Make sure to block any nearby roads so the ambulance cannot get to the murdered victim. Take the money they dropped on the ground. Then, run a short distance away, and go back. The money should have respawned on the ground. You can repeat this as many times as desired. You can also kill more people taking their money from the ATM to increase the amount of money that respawns. -From: Khairol161

Find an area with a lot of people. Then, position yourself a decent distance away, and enable the "Spawn Jetmax" code. The boat should spawn above the people, fall on them, and kill them without raising your wanted level. You can then pick up the money dropped by the people killed. Repeat this process as many times as desired. -From: Vernon Reis

After completing all of Stevie's 30 vehicle thefts, go to the garage in south Bohan. Then, enter one of the "Spawn" vehicle codes, and take the vehicle to the garage to get the indicated amount of money as long as the vehicle is in perfect condition. Repeat this as many times as desired. -From: Elan Gedalia

Cognoscenti: $9,000
Comet: $6,000
NRG-900: $2,500
Sanchez: $1,200
SuperGT: $11,000
Turismo: $11,000

After completing all of Stevie's 30 vehicle thefts, take a taxi to the Perseus on Pyrite Street and Bismarck Avenue. Walk to the Grotti car dealership with a baseball bat. Use your baseball bat to break open the window on the east side of the building near the tree that has a Turismo parked behind it. Try not to damage this car. Take the Turismo, and drive it to Stevie's car shop. Taking the Charge Island bridge to Bohan is the best route. Stevie will give you approximately $10,000 for the car, depending on its condition. You can then take a taxi back to the dealership and do it again.

Steal an armored truck, and blow it up to get approximately $1,100 from the piles of money surrounding the wreckage.

There is a glitch in Aldeney at the intersection of Tudor and Port Tudor, close to the prison where you visit Gerald. You can find a total of nine armored trucks arriving back-to-back. Highjack one, then block the road. Another one will appear. Blow them up one-by-one. There is a total of approximately $1,100 on each truck, which is especially useful when just starting out or if you need money.

Steal a Securicar, and blow it up to get approximately $1,000 from the piles surrounding the wreckage. To do this without getting a wanted level, you must drive it and get it damaged until it catches fire and explodes. Do not attack it with a weapon or you will get a two star wanted level. If the smoking Securicar stops running and still is not on fire, use your cell phone to call anyone, then hang up while it is dialing. The Securicar will start again, allowing you to do the last amount of damage to get it to catch on fire and explode.

Go to a strip club, and kill the strippers. Each one drops about five or six wads of cash, but all the guards will attack you.

Easily lower wanted level
If you want to get rid of your wanted level, simply start a mission. Your wanted level will instantly go away. If there were any police cars chasing you, the police will be gone but the cars will still be there. -From: D2

To lose your wanted level, simply enter a safehouse, and save your progress. When you wake up, your wanted level will be gone.

Repairing engine
If your vehicle breaks down and will not start, call any number saved in your cell phone or "911", and your engine should start again.

Quick repair
While in a vehicle, if you drive over a health pack, your health will be restored and any damage to your car will fully repaired. This is very useful while playing online in a vehicle that has caught fire.

Parking more vehicles
Outside your first hideout is a small parking area to park your vehicles and save them. Instead of parking your vehicles fully within the lines, you can park your vehicles partially within the lines to allow for more vehicles to be parked and saved.

At the start of the game it would appear that you can only save two vehicles parked in the "Residents Parking Only" parking spaces in front of your safe house. However, if you can find other "Residents Parking Only" places around the city, you can also save vehicles there even if you do not have a safe house at those locations yet.

If you attempt to use the trick to keep more than two vehicles in any one parking space, it will only work until you leave the current game session. If you shut off your system, play a multiplayer game, or load your most recent save, all but two of your vehicles will have disappeared. It seems to either save the two vehicles closest to the center of the parking space or two at random.

Fast travel
To avoid wasting time driving all the way across the city, call a taxi. They will take you to your destination for your mission, stores, safe houses, or even a waypoint marker. You can skip through the taxi ride, allowing you to travel across the entire city in about ten seconds. This can also be done during missions.

Easy Assassin's missions
Most of the Assassin's missions can be completed easier by using a helicopter. Land on a high position overlooking your target, and use the sniper rifle to kill them.

Easy headshots
It is sometimes difficult to get headshots, which do count. With some practice, doing the following is an easy way to get headshots. Press [Auto-Aim], then use the Right Analog-stick to move the auto-aim target around your victim's body. Barely move the Right Analog-stick as you are shooting. This puts bullets in the chest and head, and results in an easy instant kill.

Easy drive-by shootings
When you can, call Roman, and have him send a taxi to you. Let the taxi drive you around. You will be able to shoot at people without the driver stopping. He will also run past the cops and blockades as much as possible. When you get stuck, choose to end your ride at a destination without a wanted level.

Easy emergency vehicles
Dial "911" on your cell phone. You will reach a voice menu that allows you to call the police by dialing "1", an ambulance by dialing "2", or a fire truck by dialing "3". Select the vehicle of your choice, and wait for them to arrive. They will stop and look around for the emergency, allowing you to easily steal their vehicle.

Getting away from police
When running away from the cops, you will have a circular area in which they look for you. However, if you get out and another cop sees you, it changes. To use this to your advantage, barely get out of that circle, which you will see on your radar. Then, just sit there for about five seconds instead of flooring past it.

If you are at a four star wanted level or less, find a place with grass or sand. The cops will follow you in, but they usually cannot get back out. You can then just drive away.

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