Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of The Patriots Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of The Patriots Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Otacon codes
Enter one of the following codes instead of the one that Otacon mentions at Shadow Moses. Ignore the "Access Denied" message.
100,000 DP: Enter 14893 as a code.
iPod song: Enter 78925 as a code.
iPod song: Enter 13462 as a code.

Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Password" option at the "Extras" menu. Enter one of the following case-sensitive passwords to unlock the corresponding bonus when another game is started or a saved game is resumed. Note: The iPod songs and weapons will become available when the Mk II first can be used.
Iain Topp, David Carlson, J-NEZ, Mark Tugby, and Eric
1911 handgun: Enter 1aytmmymhk as a password.
Desert Eagle long barrel: Enter deskyhstyl as a password.
MK.23: Enter mekakorkkk as a password.
Mosin Nagant: Enter mnsoymsyhn as a password.
Patriot: Enter pkhhnwhsjt as a password.
Scanning Plug S: Enter skynytktjp as a password.
Thor .45-70: Enter tshsniammr as a password.
Type 17 pistol: Enter jmsotsynrn as a password.
Altair costume: Enter aottrykmyn as a password.
Drebin Facecamo : Enter dntkkhktmm as a password.
"Desperate Chase" iPod song: Enter thomas as a password.
"Gekko" iPod song: Enter george as a password.
"Midnight Shadow" iPod song: Enter theodore as a password.
"Mobs Alive" iPod song: Enter abraham as a password.
"Subsistence Action" iPod song: Enter mgo2play as a password.

100K Drebin Bonus
When entering the password into Otacon's terminal, input 14983. Although incorrect, Snake will (invisibly) gain 100K of Drebin points. Run through the game a few more times with this and the no kills and no alerts bonuses, and you should amass quite a sum of Drebin points.

After death messages
After dying, call Rose to get a conversation about Snake having dreams of being killed or a comment from Snake saying that he feels like he's died once before.

Akina Minami posters
There are two posters of Akina Minami in the Vista mansion. Look at them in first person view and Snake will say her name and his Psyche gauge will increase.

Altair costume posture
Equip the Altair costume after unlocking it. There are some changes Snake will make to his posture. First, he stands with his hands by his sides and outstretched just like Altair, as opposed to hanging down in front of him with his fists clenched. This change will only occur when you do not have a weapon equipped. Second, where Altair had the ring finger on his left hand missing, Snake bends his up to give a similar visual effect. He will even keep his finger bent during intermission sequences in which the costume you are currently wearing appears.

Alternate ending
If you fight Mantis with a Sixaxis controller, the ending is different than if you were using a DualShock 3 controller.

Alternate Rose shirt
During the third playthrough of the game, when you first meet Rose she will be wearing a new shirt.

Attacking wolves
In Act 4, kill one of the wolves after you defeat Crying Wolf. The others attack you. Call Otacon and he will wince. Call Rose and she will tell you that animal cruelty is the first sign of criminal behavior, and says that she will have you psychologically assessed if you continue to kill them.

Audio flashbacks
Experience the following audio flashbacks to get 1,000 Drebin Points for some of them:
Find the crop circle near the river while tracking Naomi in Act 2 after the Laughing Octopus fight (flashback of the Colonel acting strangely in Metal Gear Solid 2).
Find the Hind (flashback of the end of the Hind confrontation).
The middle of the helipad (flashback of Hind D speech).
The small shack to the West of the area (flashback of "A surveillance camera?!").
Enter through either of the vents instead of the door (flashback Master Miller's introduction).
Stand near the tank hangar's door (flashback of Meryl's "Where I can see you" speech).
Stand in the decontamination room before the hallway to Otacon's office (flashback of Cyborg Ninja fighting Genome Soldiers).
Inside Otacon's lab (flashback of Grey Fox's introduction).
Stand in the filled-in trench leading up to the Comm Towers (flashback of Meryl telling Snake to continue without her).
Climb as far as you can up the Comm Tower nearest where you enter and walk around (flashback of beginning of the Hind confrontation).
In front of the other Comm Tower, facing the exit (flashback of Otacon's "What are you fighting for?" speech).
Stand near the door leading back to the room where you fought Vulcan Raven (flashback of Raven's final speech).
In Shadow Moses, near the elevator (flashback of Infiltration speech).
Return to the crashed Hind chopper after the Crying Wolf fight (flashback of Liquid Snake being shot down).
Aim the Mk.23 SOCOM while at Shadow Moses (Snake will say "Just like old times").
Move the camera view directly overhead and move around (Snake will say "Just like old times").

Barely dressed ladies
Flick the remote for the screen Campbell talks to you on with the Mk II to get pictures of ladies in their underwear.

Beauty And The Beast magazine models
You can buy a magazine with pictures of the models that the Beauty And The Beast unit were based on from Drebin.

Beauty And The Beast preview
In Act 1 when in the underground hanger/cave, you can use the Mk II to listen to a wounded PMC soldier's conversation. He will talk about the Beauty And The Beast group before you actually meet them.

Big Boss Extreme difficulty
Complete the single-player mode once (and saving the cleared data).

Boktai: The Sun Is In Your Hands
There is a gun called the "Stun Gun" which is actually a reference to one of Hideo Kojima's older games, Boktai: The Sun Is In Your Hands for the Gameboy Advance. This is confirmed when Solid Snake raises the gun towards the sun to recharge and yells out "Sunlight", much as the main character did in Boktai.

Bonus ammo
Successfully complete the game to unlock the following ammo for purchase from Drebin:
Emotive Cry - causes soldiers 'Cry' emotion to activate
Emotive Laughter - causes soldiers 'Laughter' emotion to activate
Emotive Rage - causes soldiers 'Rage' emotion to activate
Emotive Scream - causes soldiers 'Scream' emotion to activate
Smoke Grenade Blue
Smoke Grenade Green
Smoke Grenade Red
Smoke Grenade Yellow

Bypassing gecko's easily
Shoot five tranquilizer rounds into the legs of a Gekko. It will collapse and thrash around on the floor. You can walk past without being spotted while that is happening.
its similar with chaff grenades, although they dont last as long.

Chapter 5 Drebin Point Farming
In Act 5, after defeating Screaming Mantis, Snake will come across two long rooms filled with Scarab robots.
If you have the inclination, time, and ammunition, you can have Snake destroy these tiny enemies for 100 Drebin Points each (they spawn infinitely until Snake touches the exit to the next room).
Just remember you can run out of ammunition, and the difficulty level will affect how much damage each Scarab takes. Don't spend more ammo than you can
earn back.

Cheaper drebin prices
Set the PS3 system date to a Wednesday or Sunday, and Drebin will have cheaper prices. Additionally, all of Drebin's prices are cut by 50% during Act 5.

Cleared areas
Clear an area of all enemies in Act 1 or Act 2. All the allied soldiers will begin to cheer. No additional enemies will respawn in those area if you return.

Complete weapons list
The following weapons are available in the game:
1911 Custom
Desert Eagle (originally used by Meryl)
Desert Eagle Long Barrel
Five Seven (gun used by Snake when he infiltrated Galuade)
Glock 18C
GSR (.45)
Mk 2 Pistol (Tanq)
Mk.23 SOCOM (Snake's main handgun from Metal Gear Solid)
Operator (Colt .45 with extended barrel)
Race Gun (fires ricochet bullets)
Solar Gun (causes enemies to drop weapons and does extreme damage to Vamp)
Thor .45-70 (rifle pistol)
Type 17 (broom handle machine pistol)
Sub-machine guns
Patriot (The Boss' weapon; has unlimited ammunition)
VZ. 83 Skorpion
Assault rifles
FAL Carbine
M4 Custom
Sniper weapons
Heavy machine guns
MK.46 Mod 1
Mosin-Nagant (The End's sniper rifle)
Tanegashima (old flint lock that is very slow to reload, 33% of hits causes a whirlwind that carries off enemies making them drop items)
M870 Custom
Twin Barrel
Grenade launchers
Rocket launchers
Fim-92A (Stinger)
Weapon modifiers
Dot sights
Fore grips
Grenade launchers
Laser sights
Masterkey (under barrel shotgun for assault rifles)
Chaff grenade
Molotov cocktail
Sleeping gas mine
Sleep gas satchel charge
Smoke grenades (yellow, red, blue, green)
Stun grenade
White phosphorus grenade

Control briefing projector
During the Act 5 mission briefing, use the Left Analog-stick to change the projection's height on the screen. This will make some of the attendees angry.

Control intermission sequences
During an intermission sequence, press D-pad Up to zoom the camera in then use the Right Analog-stick to pan the camera around. The harder you press Up, the more zoomed in the camera view. Also, some intermission sequences have prompts to see it through Snake's eyes by holding L1 (look for the icon at the top left of the screen); or view flashback images by repeatedly tapping X when a prompt appears (look for the icon at the top right of the screen). You can also pause an intermission sequence by pressing Start.

Control opening commercials
When starting a new game you are shown two random commercials. You can change the channel by pressing Up and Down to get new commercials. There is also a Hideo 1 and Hideo 2 channel, which are like Video 1 and 2.
At the start of the game when the commercials are on, you can press X to cycle through different channels. You can see a segment where David Hayter is being interviewed wearing a Solid Eye.

Complete the indicate task to unlock the corresponding costume.

Costume How to Unlock:
* Altair- Obtain the Assassin emblem
* Business Suit - Complete the game.
* Civilian Disguise - Start Eastern Europe level
* Corpse Camo - Have at least 51 continues in a single playthrough.
* Metal Gear Solid optical camo - Complete the game without going into alert phase. Alternately, purchase it from Drebin for 5 million Drebin Points after starting another game session after completing the game. This camo makes you completely invisible.
* Middle East Militia Disguise - Middle East in the Militia Safe House
* South American Rebel Disguise - South America (Cove Valley Village)

Crop circle
When you are tracking Naomi's footprints in Act 2 after the Laughing Octopus fight, you will arrive to a river. Instead of crossing the river, look to your left. You will see another set of footprints. Follow these and they will lead you to a crop circle where you will hear some strange dialog by the Colonel about an alien abduction.

Dancing Sunny
Play the "Oishii ChuhanSeikatsu" Japanese pop song on Snake's iPod. Press Start during that song to see Sunny dancing at the bottom left corner.

Defeating Vamp
In the first part of the battle against Vamp, after you get his health low enough he falls down. As he gets up, grab him in a CQC hold and inject him with the syringe that you obtained earlier. This will disable his Nanites and make him mortal.
You do not have to deplete Vamp's health before CQC grabbing him. Hide and sneak up behind him for a CQC.
Instead of depleting his life, use a tranquilizer gun and shoot his head. He will fall down, immediately giving you the chance for the CQC.

Development team autographs
While tracking Naomi, get to where there is a PMC soldier standing next to a claymore. Move northeast from there to find a metal plate on the ground with signatures and handprints from the game's developers. Note: Lay down on it to get the handprint design for your camouflage. Register it to memory and you can use it whenever desired.

Easy "Melonpopper" trophy
When you cross the Salamun Bridge and lower it for the rest of your squad to cross, take the sniper rifle on the weapons rack. Walk out the door, but do not advance further down the bridge. Above the road is a turret with a gunner. Shoot him in the head and wait a few seconds. Someone will replace him. Keep shooting them in the head until you are awarded the trophy.

Easy "Safety First" trophy
The helmets that you have to shoot off the Helghasts do not have to be on live targets. Simply shoot them off the corpses to build the count towards the trophy.

Easy bandanna or stealth
To unlock the Bandana and Stealth Suit easier, wait until Act 5 (Drebin's prices are 50% off) to get the items for 2.5 million Drebin Points each instead of the 5 million Drebin Points they normally each cost.
this is only if you are playing the game again using the same save, it will not work during the first playthrough as they are not available, plus you will have more drebin points.

Easy Gekko kill
When you in the basement lab at Shadow Moses, when the Gekko appears, send the Mk II to the electric console to the right of the elevator. Note: This is the same console that was destroyed with the rocket in the original Metal Gear Solid. Use the Mk II to reactivate the electric floor and destroy the Gecko.

Easy hold-ups
Have you tranquilizer gun ready and fire at the target. Get close the sleeping target and go into your crouch position. An icon should appear to wake the target up. Press [Action] to wake your target. When he or she is about to wake up, position yourself at either side or the back of the target. Aim your gun and Snake should hold-up the target. This is an easy way to do CQC and knife kills if you want to get the Assassin's Creed emblem and costume.

Easy Way To beat Laughing Octopus(non lethal)
When The Fight starts youll start Rite in front of he so quick pause the game and equipt the sleeping dart gun,stun grenades,& smoke grenades. When you start throw a stun at her follow her into the hallway and every time she stops to shoot at you trow more stuns at her,when the black smoke comes up run away,then use the ENV. solid eye to find her,When You Find her
use ur seepin dart pistol shoot her in the head,then she deploys the black smoke and then you run again she will come threw 1 of the windows then use ur stuns againand keep dodging and running from her attacks when she starts to roll get up on a desk or bed then stun her.Hope This Helps.

EDancing sunny
Play the "Oishii ChuhanSeikatsu" Japanese pop song on Snake's iPod. During that song, press Start to see Sunny dancing at the bottom left corner.

Emasculated statue
In the Middle East, go to the place with the two broken statues. Press Triangle to climb up on the empty statue pedestal in that area. Press Triangle again and Snake will assume a statue position, and the OctoCamo will blend in with them. Keep pressing Triangle and Snake will grab the crotch of the statue next to him and eventually break off that part of the statue.

Successfully complete a single player game with the listed requirements to unlock the corresponding emblem.

Note: You can get more than one in one playthrough, play through a few times to get more emblems, and because its such an awesome game (well done konami/hideo kojima)

* Ant- Shake 50 enemies for items.
* Assassin - Kill more than 50 enemies with knife, have over 50 CQC holds, and get discovered less than 25 times.
* Bear - Choke 100 enemies to death.
* Bee - Use the Scanning Plug S or Syringe on 50 enemies.
* Big Boss - Select the Boss Extreme difficulty, use no continues, get no alerts, kill no enemies (including Bosses), do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and have a completion time less than 5 hours.
* Blue Bird - Give friendly soldiers 50 items.
* Centipede - Get less than 75 alert phases, less than 250 kills, and over 25 continues.
* Chicken - Get over 150 alert phases, over 500 kills, over 50 continues, use over 50 recovery items and complete the game in over 35 hours.
* Cow - Activate over 100 alerts.
* Crocodile - Have over 400 kills.
* Eagle - Get 150 headshots.
* Fox - Select the Naked Normal or higher difficulty setting, instigate no more than five alerts, kill no enemies (including Bosses), do not continue, do not use any life recovery items, do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and have a completion time less than 6 hours.
* Fox Hound - Select the Big Boss Hard or higher difficulty setting, instigate no more than three alerts, kill no enemies (including Bosses), do not continue, do not use any life recovery items, do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and have a completion time less than 5 hours and 30 minutes.
* Frog - Dive or roll 200 times.
* Gecko - Press against walls for a total of 1 hour.
* Giant Panda - Complete the game after 30 cumulative hours.
* Gibbon - Hold up 50 enemies.
* Hawk - Get admired by 25 friendly soldiers.
* Hog - Get 10 combat highs.
* Hound - Select the Naked Normal or higher difficulty setting, instigate no more than three alerts, kill no enemies (including Bosses), do not continue, do not use any life recovery items, do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and have a completion time less than 6 hours and 30 minutes.
* Hyena - Pick up 400 dropped weapons.
* Inch Worm - Crawl on the ground for a total of 1 hour.
* Jaguar - Get over 76 alert phases, less than 250 kills, and less than 26 continues.
* Leopard - Get over 76 alert phases, less than 250 kills, and at least 26 continues.
* Little Gray - Collect all 69 weapons.
* Lobster - Spend a total of 2.5 hours crouching.
* Mantis - Use no continues, get no alerts, and have a completion time less than 5 hours.
* Octopus - Get no alert phases.
* Panther - Get over 76 alert phases, over 251 kills, and less than 26 continues.
* Pig - Consume over 40 food items.
* Pigeon - Have no kills.
* Puma - Get over 76 alert phases, over 251 kills, and at least 26 continues.
* Rabbit - Look at 100 Playboy pages.
* Raven - Complete the game in less than five hours.
* Scarab - Execute 100 dive rolls.
* Scorpion - Have less than 75 alert phases, less than 251 kills, and less than 26 continues.
* Spider - Have less than 75 alert phases, at least 251 kills, and at least 26 continues.
* Tarantula - Have less than 75 alert phases, at least 251 kills, and less than 26 continues.
* Tortoise - Hide inside a cardboard box or drum barrel for at least one hour.
* Wolf - Have no continues and use no recover items.

Extra battery
Save the game during Act 1. Go to the Mission Briefing screen and select the saved game from Act 1. Press Square to control the Mk II while on the plane. Move the Mk II upstairs and search for an extra battery. Collecting it will double the operating life of all battery-powered devices in the game.
Note: If you complete the game then go to the mission briefings and work your way back from Act 4 to 2 you can get three extra batteries instead of the allotted one.

Extras Screen Passwords
These passwords are entered at the Extras screen under Password after beating the game once on any difficulty.
* thomas - Unlocks "Desperate Chase" iPod Song
* george - Unlocks "Gekko" iPod Song
* theodore - Unlocks "Midnight Shadow" iPod Song
* abraham - Unlocks "Mobs Alive" iPod Song

Face paint
Different face paint unlocked for in game use.

Unlockable How to unlock
* Big Boss's - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session
* Corpse - Use over 41 continues by the end of the game.
* Crying Wolf - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Crying Wolf by non-lethal means.
* Drebin - Purchase and keep more than 60 different weapons.
* FaceCamo - Defeat the Battle Beauty Laughing Octopus (the overall battle, no specifics involved).
* Laughing Octopus - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Laughing Octopus by non-lethal means.
* Metal Gear Solid Snake - Complete Act 3.
* Otacon - Shock Dr. Emmerich using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
* Raging Raven - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Raging Raven by non-lethal means.
* Raiden Mask A - Shock Sunny using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
* Raiden Mask B - Shock Dr. Naomi Hunter using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
* Roy Campbell - Shock Colonel Campbell using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.
* Screaming Mantis - Defeat the Battle Beauty (human form) Screaming Mantis by non-lethal means.
* Young Snake - Complete Act 2.
* Young Snake with bandanna - Complete Act 2.

Faster iPod navigation
Instead of rotating the Right Analog-stick to control the iPod, use Triangle, Circle, X, and Square.

Feminine guile
Wear one of the Beauty's face paints in Act 3. The Resistance will ask Snake, "Hey, are you looking for a real man?" The vehicle patrols will also honk at you as they drive by.

Frog soldiers (haven troopers) reaction to body searches
Hold up a FROG soldier, and body search her. When you would normally ball crush a male prisoner, they will say "You men are all the same", "You're disgusting!", or "Ugh" and kick you.
When you search a FROG soldier when she has no items, she will giggle as if ticklish.
When you search a FROG soldier and touch her chest, sometime she will moan or say "You're pretty good at this".

Ghost photographs
Equip the Sorrow Doll and have the camera from the Nomad. You can use that camera to find thirty ghosts in Shadow Moses. After taking pictures of them, they can be viewed in the photo album with a new option. Note: The doll is only needed to see the ghosts prior to taking the photographs.
In Shadow Moses when you return to Otacon's office to shut down security and turn on the power, take a photograph of the area to the left of the Policenauts poster. When viewed you will see a superimposed image of Hideo Kojima's face.
Take a picture of the wolves after the Crying Wolf battle. Sniper Wolf's face will appear in the corner.

Glowing eyes
Use the Solid Eye with the Raiden A mask to make both of Snake's eyes glow red.

Hideo Kojima
After defeating Screaming Mantis and immediately after Psycho Mantis vibrates your controller, keep pressing X to see Hideo Kojima.
If you prolong the Psycho Mantis fight long enough, the game will show the opening screen, except the word "Kojima" will replace "Konami". The game will then resume the Psycho Mantis fight.
Press L1 to examine the .50 Cal Anti-Material Sniper Rifle to see "Recommended by Hideo Kojima."
When Snake hides from the two Irvings next to the box of watermelons, the box reads "No Place For Hideo."
You can see a ghost image of Hideo Kojima in Otacon's lab using the camera. It is between Policenauts and the poster that from a distance reads "Final Fantasy VI".

Ignored by PMC troops
PMC soldiers will ignore you when wearing Otacon's or one of the Beauty's face paints if you are not attacking or displaying a weapon. This allows you to track the Resistance easier.

Infinate drebin points (DP)
First, acquire the drum can (you dont need to use it, its the location that you need). You do this by finding the soldier (johnny/akiba) that is hiding in the drum, and using it as a bathroom. After that, go up ahead a few feet, where you will see three crates. When you have gone past them, you will see just two crates, **(STAY BEHIND THEM, DO NOT GO PAST THEM)**. You will also see about three rebel soldiers fighting. One is carrying an RPG and the other two have machine guns. They will die and respawn continuously. You will have a chance to pick up the RPG after the soldier has died three times. Do so because each RPG is worth 6,000 Drebin Points. The important thing is to stay anywhere behind the two crates, otherwise the trick will not work. Going further than the two crates will stop the respawning loop of the soldiers dying. The only way to get the RPG without breaking the respawning loop is to use the Mk II. Also the machine guns are worth a few thousand DP, including the PMC/goverment troops guns, not just the rebels.

You carry over your Drebin points, weapons, ammunition, items, and special items from a previous game upon game clear. However, Snake will need to encounter Metal Gear II in the first stage to get his stuff back.
Be sure to save your cleared data upon game completion to track your items. Load the cleared data to reap your benefits.

Intermission sequence extras
Press L1 during the following intermission sequences to see hidden events.
Laughing Octopus: Laughing Octopus quickly leaps away outside the window during one of the L1 sequences when you first meet Naomi.
Naomi upskirt: In Act 2 when Snake's talking to Naomi and drops his cigarette, use the hidden L1 option to look up her skirt.
Naomi's chest: During Act 2 after Snake loses his Psyche when Namoi tells how long he has, press L1 to look at her chest.
Psycho Mantis' ghost: During the first intermission sequence with Beauty and the Beast in Act 1, after using the option to look through L1, look to the left to see the ghost of Psycho Mantis in the sky.
Sorrow: Keep L1 held during the Psycho Mantis intermission sequence. When Psycho Mantis disappears, you will hear Sorrow say something. Hold L1 (even though you are not prompted) and you will see Sorrow. Press X to start a flashback.

iPod Tunes
Snake's iPod can download specific tunes throughout the course of the game. Some songs have an additional "secret" effect when it is played in the game.

Tune / How to unlock

* Beyond the Bounds (increases stun damage done by Snake from non-lethal weapons) - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Tank Hangar. After power is restored, backtrack to the upper catwalk and explore all rooms
* Big Boss (increase stun damage and increases Snake's accuracy when played) - Earn the Big Boss emblem
* Bio-hazard (cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror)- Stage 3 Europe, Midtown
* Boktai 2 Theme - At the Act 2 mission briefing, go upstairs in the Nomad.
* Bon Dance - At Act 2 in the Marketplace.
* Destiny's Call (cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged) - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item
* Flowing Destiny (cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl) -Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Canyon. Before leaving the canyon area, examine the rocky walls for a hole hiding this item
* Fury, The (cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged) - Stage 2 South America, Cove Valley Village. Inside the fire ravaged house
* Inorino Uta - At the Act 1 mission briefing.
* Level 3 Warning - At Act 1, Advent Palace.
* Lunar Knights Main Theme - At the Act 4 mission briefing, upstairs in the Nomad.
* Metal Gear 20 Years History - Part 2: At Act 4, in Warhead Storage Building B2.
* Metal Gear 20 Years History - Part 3: At Act 2, at the South America Confinement Facility in the room with beds inside the house.
* Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (The Document Remix) - At Act 5, under the hatch to the left at the start of the area.
* MGS 4 Love Theme / Action (cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl) - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item
* On Alert - At Act 3, Midtown N Sector.
* One Night in Neo Kobe City - At Act 3, Midtown, hold-up a PMC soldier.
* Opening - Old L.A. 2040 (increase Snake's accuracy) - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 78925 into Otacon's lab computer
* Policenaughts Ending (cause soldiers held by Snake to fall asleep on touch) - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 13462 into Otacon's lab computer
* Rock Me (increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means) - Stage 2 South America, Confinement Facility. Island in the south-eastern quadrant
* Sailor (increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means) - Stage 2 South America, Vista Mansion. Between the east wall and a cargo container
* Shin Bokura no Taiyou Theme - At the Act 3 mission briefing, upstairs in the Nomad.
* Show Time (cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror) - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item
* Snake Eater (increase the life recovery rate of Snake through items and other actions)- Unlocked by earning all 40 game clear emblems
* Subsistence (increase Snake's accuracy) - Play at least one game of Metal Gear Online. You must start the match with at least two players
* Test Subject's Duality - At Act 3, Midtown S Sector.
* The Best Is Yet To Come - At Act 4, Snow Field just before the "Disc Change" Codec transmission.
* The Essence of Vince - At Act 3, Echo's Beacon.
* The Fury - At Act 2, in the Cave Valley Village in the badly burned building.
* The Fury - At Act 2: South America, Cove Valley Village, search inside the fire-ravaged house. This song causes soldiers held by Snake to become enraged.
* Theme of Solid Snake - At Act 1, Millennium Park.
* Theme Of Tara - At Act 1, Militia Safehouse, just before seeing the unmanned flying-bomber on the table.
* Warhead Storage - At Act 4, Tank Hanger, upper floor ventilation shaft.
* Yell (Dead Cell) - At Act 4, Casting Facility North.
* Zanzibarland Breeze - At Act 1, Urban Ruins before intermission sequences.

Japanese models on television
Flick the TV remote with the Mk II to get Japanese models appear on the television.

Keeping Meryl safe
While fighting Psycho Mantis, CQC Meryl and inject her with the syringe to take her safely out of the fight. Note: Mantis might take control of her again after awhile.

Laughing Beauty Mask
Defeat Laughing Octopus, then when she is in Human form use the Mk. 2 Pistol to put her to sleep.

Laughing Octopus straddles Snake
During the fight with Laughing Octopus, lie down on one of the beds face up. She will straddles you, then Snake will knock her off. Note: All four of the Beauty characters will do that if they catch you as you lie down, regardless of the location. It is a basic move.

Liquid Ocelot kiss
At the third part of the final fight, when Liquid Ocelot grabs Snake by the neck allow the controller to idle. After some time, Liquid Ocelot will kiss Snake on the cheek.

Listen to the radio during briefings
During the mission briefings, touch the the radio on the table upstairs with the MK II and it will play music.
By switching the radio on and off in Act 4 you will get different songs, including a remixed version of the "Love Theme" from Super Smash Bros Brawl and the ending theme from Policenauts.

Long game advisory
If you complete a chapter after 4 a.m., a message will come up during the install screen (Snake smoking), suggesting that you get up and do some stretches, and that you have been playing awhile.

Lost references
When the game first begins, the channels on the television are numbered 15, 16, 23, and 42, which are part of the number sequence from the television show Lost.

Lunar knights reference
The monitor for the PC used by Sunny has a Lunar Knights screensaver.

Message from Liquid
During Act 5, if you die and wait an extended period to select "Continue" or "Exit", you will hear Liquid say "It's not over yet, brother!" and the "Exit" button will change to read "Exist". Using it will move your selection over to "Continue", but then you will have the option to exit again.

Metal Gear Solid series references
Look at the two puppets dangling from Screaming Mantis. The two puppets appear to be Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow from previous Metal Gear Solid games.
When Snake and Naomi talk about war changing and how it used to be "just a game", all of the Metal Gear Solid titles appear in an indexed list. After MGS4, there are a few boxes titled "In Production."
When you first enter Big Mama's hideout and the guards start talking about Snake, press L1 to see posters from Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.
In the Nomad briefing missions, take control of the Mk II, and go to the right of the helicopter. There are three separately caged chickens, each with its own label: "Solid", "Liquid", and "Solidus". This is a reference to the three Big Boss clones. A further reference to those chickens happens at the very beginning of Act 1 when Sunny is cooking eggs. She says "Only two eggs? Solidus must've taken the day off."
The rubber duck in the upper gantry of the Nomad can also be found in Capture The Flag mode in Metal Gear Online; in the GA-KO camouflage in Metal Gear Solid 3; and floating in the flooded Shell Core in Metal Gear Solid 2.
When you are in the final showdown with Liquid, when it enters the third stage of the fight, Liquid will do Ocelot's signature hand gesture.
Otacon has a model of Rex beside his computer.

Metal Gear Solid VR Missions reference
During a Codec transmission with Campbell, he will talk about the training PMC soldier's went through. Snake says similar to "...better than those VR missions".

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes references
If you stare at Meryl's breasts, she will blush similarly to how she did in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.

MGS1 references
During the Act 1 FROG attack sequence, attack Meryl. She will say the same things she said when you attacked her in Metal Gear Solid.
The password Johnny puts in to disable the laser trip trap is "MERYL SILVERBURGH".
You fight Crying Wolf in the same area you fought Sniper Wolf.
You can find the Hind D still in the Snowfield where you fight Crying Wolf.
During the Mantis fight, switch your controller ports when your television switches to "Hideo 2". Otacon will come on the Codec and notify you that the trick does not work twice. You will also get a suggestion about destroying the bust.
When you die in Act 4, the "Game Over" music from the first Metal Gear Solid will play.
After you die during the final Boss battle and select "Exit", it quickly changes to "Exist". Liquid Ocelot says "Not yet Snake, it's not over yet" and it moves the pointer back to "Continue". This is a reference to a quote by Liquid in the original Metal Gear Solid.

MGS2 reference
Call Rosemary with a ration equipped to see a reference to a sequence that happened in Metal Gear Solid 2, when Raiden calls Snake on the Codec with a ration equipped and comments about Rose's cooking.

MGS3 references
Metal Gear Solid 3 reference
When Drebin and Little Grey jump off of the Stryker, they will land in Naked Snake's pose from Metal Gear Solid 3, when he first arrives for the Operation Virtuous mission.
Equip the Patriot gun to hear music from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
Press L1 to view the description for the Mosin-Nagant. It mentions The End and his sniper duel with Big Boss.

Militia soldier execution
Sneak through the first part after the opening and go through the buildings. At the building to the right of when the APC shows up, crawl under the rubble. You will see a militia soldier get brutally shot after pleading for his life.

Motion capture actor
When a character is introduced initially, press R2 to view that person's motion capture actor instead of that his or her voice actor.

Multi-player mode: Remove frosty breath
When playing in stages where your breath frosts, have Snake play dead while prone. His frosty breath will no longer be seen by others.

Mystery man
When tailing a resistance member, if you look behind you, you will occasionally notice a man with a hat and trenchcoat also tailing him. This is how the scarabs found the hideout. If you try to shoot him, he will duck away around the corner and disappear.

Naomi reflection
During the Act 5 mission briefing, immediately after Otacon lights Snake's cigarette, he adjusts his glasses. When he does this, you can see a reflection of Naomi on their lenses.

Naomi's cleavage
When Naomi is in the Nomad and on the computer talking, use the Mk II to look at Otacon's computer. His webcam is focused on Naomi's cleavage.

New combat vests
Clear the single-player game once.

No More Camo
Shake the Sixaxis controller to return Snake's Octocamo to its neutral (black and blue) pigmentation.

Otacon codes
Enter one of the following codes instead of the one that Otacon mentions at Shadow Moses. Ignore the "Access Denied" message.
100,000 DP: Enter 14893 as a code.
iPod song: Enter 78925 as a code.
iPod song: Enter 13462 as a code.

Otacon comments
Call Otacon a few times in Shadow Moses at the part where Snake originally fought Vulcan Raven in the tank (and is now where two sleeping Geckos are found). Otacon will say that "Snake is the craziest bad ass who ever lived".

Otacon tech support
Try to access any feature that requires Internet connectivity while not connected. A chat menu featuring Otacon will appear, and he will try to give you technical support.

layStation 3
In the Act 1 briefing there is a PlayStation 3 on the second floor of the plane.
Go upstairs on the Nomad during the Act 1 briefing to see Sunny unpacking her PS3 and PSP.
In the Act 2 briefing, there is a PlayStation 3 on the table.
Next time you send out the MK-2, look over Snake's shoulder by tilting the camera. He is using a PlayStation 3 controller to control it.
If you use a Sixaxis controller against Psycho Mantis he says, "What? No vibration!" and the flashbacks show the Sixaxis.
Use the Codec to call Rose during the fight with Screaming Mantis. Campbell will tell you to switch controller ports. Rose will get angry and say there are not any controller ports because this is on a PlayStation 3.
After you defeat Crying Wolf in Act 4, Otacon calls you as you enter that building and tells you to change discs. He then catches himself and starts talking about Blu-Ray and the PlayStation 3.

Policenauts reference
One of the backgrounds on Otacon's computer is a scene from Policenauts.

Psing Beauties
When fighting in a Boss battle (exclude Vamp and Liquid Ocelot, only the Beauties), complete the first Boss phase (Beast form). After that they will come out of their protective suit and try to grapple you. If you run around long enough and prolong the time (usually about five to ten minutes), the screen will fade and you will enter a white area all alone with the Beauty. Note: A timer will appear at the top of the screen. She will attempt to grapple again. Simply equip the camera and aim it at her and she will pose for you. Click the camera on and off to get various poses. Eventually the timer will run out (3:00) and the Beauty will die.
This works well when you want a new background for your PlayStation3, because the game allows you to take in-game photos and send them to your homepage.
After defeating any of the four female Bosses, there is a second round where they walk towards you, trying to grab Snake. During this phase, run from them for three minutes and the screen around you and the Boss will turn white. Take out the digital camera you obtained from the mission briefings. The Boss will stop chasing you and do sexy poses for your camera.
Play the "Oishii ChuhanSeikatsu" Japanese pop song on your iPod while fighting a Beauty. She will start dancing. If you aim a camera at her, she will pose.

During the mission briefing in Act 2, Sunny is playing a PSP. The game is Penguin Adventure, a 1986 title from the MSX computer system which was Hideo Kojima's first game.

Crawl around the vents in Shadow Moses to encounter Rats. When they see Snake, "!" will appear above their heads, accompanied with a sound. They will run away. Keep chasing them and they will repeat the "!" alert. Following the rats is a good way to get in. Also, call Otacon after you see the rats. Snake will talk about them and how they helped him before.

Read Playboy magazine
To look through the Playboy magazine, press R1, then go into first person view. Then, hold L1 and press Circle to go through the pages. If the game puts you in third person view, press Triangle to enter first person view to see the models.

Reducing stress/gaining psyche
Sit in a box to reduce stress faster, this also regains Psyche.
standing/crouching/lying in shade will also reduce stress quicker.
When in a cutscene you lose some due to information/insults/ect. tap X repeatedly to regain some.

Regain Psyche
If something during an intermission sequences causes Snake's Psyche gauge to decrease, rapidly tap X to replenish it.
During Act 2 after Snake loses his Psyche when Namoi tells how long he has, press L1. Snake will look at Naomi's chest and his Psyche will recharge.
To regain life or Psyche, hold X go into the prone position with no weapon equipped. Snake's life and Psyche gauges will begin to recover. This is useful when trying for a no rations/recovery items completion.

Replay bonus
You carry over your Drebin points, weapons, ammunition, items, and special items from a previous session upon clearing the game. However, Snake will need to encounter Metal Gear II in the first stage to get his items back. Make sure to save your cleared saved game file upon game completion to track your items. Load the cleared saved game file to get your items.

Reset Octocamo appearance
Shake the Sixaxis controller to return Snake's Octocamo to its neutral (black and blue) appearance. Note: This can also be done during intermission sequences.

Rose's breasts
When you speak with Rose on the Codec, shake the Sixaxis to make her breasts move.

Shoot from inside a dumpster
There are dumpsters throughout the game which you can use to hide. Move in front of them and press Triangle when the prompt appears. Once inside, if you have a handgun, for example The Operator, you can hold L1 to lift up the lid of the dumpster and aim your gun from inside.

Whenever Snake is smoking there is always a no smoking sign behind him.

The suit Snake wears in Act 3 is a homage to Gillian Seed, from Snatchers. The "Dr. Madnar" mentioned in Act 3 is a reference to a scientist from Snatchers.

Solar gun and statue locations (to get solargun)
The statues required to unlock the Solar Gun can be found at the following locations:
Frog: In Act 1: Middle East, Advent Palace garage, atop a vehicle.
Octopus: In Act 2: South America, in the Research Lab Boss room, upper right room during the human phase of the fight.
Raven: In Act 3: Europe, on the top floor of the human phase of the Boss fight.
Wolf: In Act 4: Shadow Moses, behind Snake's starting spot in the human phase of the Boss fight.
Mantis: In Act 5: Outer Heaven, near the northern-most door during the human phase of the fight.
these will only be available if you defeated the boss NON-LETHALLY (mk II, mosin nagant, stun grenades, CQC, ect). If you killed the boss they will not be available.
--NOTE 2--
the solar gun causes enemies to drop weapons and does extreme damage to Vamp. To reload you must stand in sunshine and snake will point the gun up to the sky and shout SUNLIGHT!

Some secret 'L1' bits in cutscenes
Naomi's chest: In Act 2, after Snake loses his Psyche when Namoi tells him how long he has, press L1 to look at her chest and recharge Snake's Psyche.
Naomi upskirt: In Act 2, when Snake's talking to Naomi and drops his cigarette, use the hidden L1 option to look up her skirt.
Psycho Mantis' ghost: During the first intermission sequence with Beauty and the Beast, after using the option to look through L1, look to the left to see the ghost of Psycho Mantis.
Sorrow: During the Psycho Mantis intermission sequence, keep L1 held. When Psycho Mantis disappears, you will hear Sorrow say something. Hold L1 (even though you are not prompted), and you will see Sorrow. Press X to start a flashback.

Star wars references
In Shadow Moses when Snake is about to get on the lift to fight Vamp, watch as the camera circles around the lift area to see a Darth Vader helmet on the floor.
In the Act 5 briefing, while Mei Ling is explaining the situation to everyone she says something about it being an impenetrable fortress or something similar. Snake then says, "He has his very own Death Star."

Statue locations
The statues required to unlock the Solar Gun can be found at the following locations. Note: Recommended weapons are the Moisin Nagent or 40 mm grenade launcher with flash bang ammo. Use the Solid Eye to help find the statues. The Solar Gun will be unlocked after you complete the game and meet Metal Gear Mk. 2.
Crying Wolf: At Stage 4: Shadow Moses, behind Snake's starting spot in the human phase of the Boss fight.
Frog Soldier: At Stage 1: Middle East, Advent Palace garage, atop the Nomad vehicle.
Laughing Octopus: At Stage 2: South America, in the Research Lab Boss room, upper right room.
Raging Raven: At Stage 3: Europe, on the top floor of the human phase of the Boss fight.
Screaming Mantis: At Stage 5: Outer Heaven, near the northern-most door during the human phase of the fight.

Stealth Tips online
When playing as Snake in the online stealth mode, you should avoid lit areas so you won't cast shadows. Also, in stages where characters emit frosty breath, have Snake play dead while prone to make Snake's breath disappear.

Sunny and Naomi pictures
Do not pick up the camera during the briefing when it first becomes available. Wait until Act 4 to get the camera and it will have some funny pictures of Naomi and Sunny playing around in the kitchen.

Sunny has Snake's cigarettes
At the Act 2 briefing, use the Mk. II's view. Go up the stairs of the Nomad and look at Sunny's back pocket while she is cooking. You can see something in her pocket. Follow her downstairs. When Snake puts the plate down, get as close as possible and you can see Snake's cigarettes in her back pocket.

Sunny's song
During Act 3 while you are trailing the Resistance member, listen to his whistle. It is what Sunny will hum during mission briefings.

Switching stances faster
To switch between crawling and crouch-walking (and back) faster, move forward while pressing X. Use this trick to get prone behind cover quickly after crouch-walking past an enemy.

The Naked Gun
Drebin sells laundered guns, called "Naked Guns". Drebin's name is a reference to Frank Drebin from The Naked Gun movies.

Throw grenades underhanded
Lightly hold L1 (default [Aim]) instead of holding it down completely while throwing a grenade.

Trailing wolves
Tranq Crying Wolf and the wolves in that area will follow you.

Unlimited Drebin Points
First, acquire the drum can. You do this by finding the soldier that is hiding in the can, and using it as a bathroom. After that, go up ahead a few feet, where you will see three crates. When you have gone past them, you will see just two crates. You will also see about three rebel soldiers fighting. One is carrying an RPG and the other two have machine guns. They will die and respawn continuously. You will have a chance to pick up the RPG after the soldier has died three times. Do so, because each RPG is worth 6,000 Drebin Points. The important thing is to stay anywhere behind the two crates, otherwise the trick will not work. Going further than the two crates will stop the respawning loop of the soldiers dying. The only way to get the RPG without breaking the respawning loop is to use the Mk II.
When you enter the first hangar in Shadow Moses (with all the mini-Gekkos inside), kill all of them and proceed to the next area past the two large Gekkos outside. Once you get inside, turn around and go back to the hangar. All the Gekkos should have respawned. You will get about 20,000 Drebin Points each time you clear the area and the entire process takes about five minutes. There is a ration in the room on the other side of the railing when done under the "Naked Normal" difficulty setting. Do not forget to pick up the guns and kill the big Gekko outside the base on the other side, as well as all the mini Gekkos. The bandana is not required, but if you do not have it you will use a lot of ammunition. The grenade launcher is recommended for taking out the mini Gekkos quickly. Be careful with the grenade launcher, as it has a slow reload time. If a Gekko gets too close you will not be able to reload.

When tracking Naomi in Act 2, look to the right when crossing the river to see a guard relieving himself.
Follow the resistance member in Act 3 to see him urinating in the fountain in the small park.
In the central park during Act 3 there is a statue that Snake can interact and imitate. Stay in that pose until a resistance member appears and he will urinate on you.

Vomiting Snake
If you kill a large enough number of enemies in a conflict zone, you hear Liquid from Metal Gear Solid say "You enjoy all the killing, that's why!", and Snake will vomit. Note: You can delay the vomiting by hugging the wall. The next time you kill someone, it will happen again until you finally vomit.

* Weapons
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon.

* Bandanna - Complete a single-player session without killing anyone (including bosses). You can do this on any difficulty
* Desert Eagle, Long Barrel - Earn the Fox emblem on a single-player session
* Digital Camera - In the Nomad vehicle during the mission intermission; you can unlock a special photo by picking up this item in stage 4 instead of earlier
* Patriot Future Assault Weapon - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session
* Race (Ricochet) Gun - Clear the single-player game once
* Scanning Plug S - Log more than 10 hours of Metal Gear Online play time on the same profile as your Metal Gear 4 game. You purchase this from Drebin
* Solar Gun - Collect the five statues (those of the four Battle Beauties and the Frog Soldier/Haven Troopers in stage 1) using non-lethal means on their respective idols
* Stealth Item - Complete a single-player session without instigating a single alert (caution is okay, but not alert). You can do this on any difficulty
* Thor 45-70 - Earn the Fox Hound emblem on a single-player session
* World War I Pistol - Earn the Hound emblem on a single-player session

Weird man following snake
When tailing the resistance member, if you look behind Snake, you will occasionally notice a man with a hat and trenchcoat also tailing him. This is how the Scarabs found the hideout. If you try to shoot him, he will duck away around the corner and disappear.

World Of Warcraft
Leeroy Jenkins' grave can be seen directly behind Big Boss's. It will come into view when the camera pans around the area before Old Snake puts the gun into his mouth. You can also see it again while Old Snake is carrying Big Boss to The Boss's grave.

Zone Of The Enders
When you look at the briefing scene, Otacon's computer's desktop picture is the main character from Zone Of The Enders, another game directed by Hideo Kojima.

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