Saints Row : The Third Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Saints Row : The Third Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Cheat Codes:
Enter the following codes in your phone.

Result - Code:
Add Gang Notoriety - lolz
Add Police Notoriety - pissofpigs
Give Cash - cheese
Give Respect - whatitmeanstome
Heavenbound - fryhole
Ifinite Sprint - runfast
No Cop Notoriety - goodygoody
No Gang Notoriety - oops
Drunk Peds - dui
No Vehicle Damage - vroom
Vehicle Smash - isquishyou
Extra blood and gibs - notrated
Zombies - brains
Mascot Mode - mascot
Pimps and Hos - hohoho
One-hit Kills - goldengun
Weapons - letsrock
Repair Cars - repaircar
No HUD - nohud
Advance time - ticktock
Clear Skies - clearskies
Heavy Rain - heavyrain
Light Rain - lightrain
Overcast - overcast
Spawn Apocafists - giveapoca
Spawn Viper Laser Rifle - giveslm8
Spawn Cyber Blaster - givecybersmg
Spawn McManus 2015 - givesniper
Spawn Shock Hammer - giverocket
Spawn The Penetrator - givedildo
Spawn Nocturne - givesword
Spawn Electric Grenade - giveelectric
Spawn Air Strike - giveairstrike
Spawn As3 Ultimax - giveultimax
Spawn Chainsaw - givechainsaw
Spawn Drone - givedrone
Spawn Grenade - givegrenade
Spawn Hammer - givehammer
Spawn Mini-Gun - giveminigun
Spawn Molotov - givemolotov
Spawn Tek Z-10 - givetek
Spawn Korbra - givekobra
Spawn Krukov - givekrukov
Spawn RPG - giverpg
Spawn Satchel Charge - givesatchel
Spawn Municipal - givemunicipal
Spawn Pheonix - givepheonix
Spawn Squasar - givesquasar
Spawn Taxi - givetaxi
Spawn Ambulance - giveembulance
Spawn Anchor - giveanchor
Spawn Attrazione - giveattrazione
Spawn Bootlegger - givebootlegger
Spawn Challenger - givechallenger
Spawn Commander - givecommander
Spawn Condor - givecondor
Spawn Eagle - giveeagle
Spawn Estrada - giveestrada
Spawn Gatmobile - givegatmobile
Spawn Kanada - givekanada
Spawn Kenshin - givekenshin
Spawn Knoxville - giveknoxville
Spawn Miami - givemiami
Spawn Nforcer - givenforcer
Spawn Peacemaker - givepeacemaker
Spawn Reaper - givereaper
Spawn Repaircar - repaircar
Spawn Sandstorm - givesandstorm
Spawn Shark - giveshark
Spawn Sheperd - givesheperd
Spawn Spectre - givespectre
Spawn Status Quo - givestatusquo
Spawn Titan - givetitan
Spawn Toad - givetoad
Spawn Tornado - givetornado
Spawn Vortex - givevortex
Spawn VTOL - givevtol
Spawn Vulture - givevulture
Spawn Widowmaker - givewidowmaker
Spawn Woodpecker - givewoodpecker

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