Maui Mallard In Cold Shadow Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Maui Mallard In Cold Shadow Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Debug Mode

Enter 'IBCAR' at the 'Password' screen and press 'Start'. Then return to the 'Password' screen and enter 'MAUIMM' and press 'Start'. If you have done it correctly you will now hear a sound effect confirming that Debug mode has been added as the third option at the 'Title' screen.

At the 'Main' menu go to the 'Password' screen and enter the following case sensitive codes (without the quotes) to access the corresponding level.

Level 2:
Enter 'ININJA'

Level 3:
Enter 'MUDPIE'

Level 4:
Enter 'HTFOOT'

Level 5:
Enter 'zefrog'

Level 6:
Enter 'arrggh'

Level 7:
Enter 'dkmpoz'

Level 8:
Enter 'nochnc'

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