Valley Without Wind 2 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Valley Without Wind 2 Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Various Steam achievements
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement How to unlock
A Real Accomplishment Kill the Overlord on Adept difficulty.
A Rocky Start Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Stonebinder mage class.
A Sight To Behold Equip a Beautiful item.
Actually, Not That Unlucky Equip a +13 item.
Are you Captivated Too? Equip an Enrapturing item.
Ash to Ash, Dust to Dust Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Cindermaster mage class.
Au Shucks Equip a Golden item.
Avalanche Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Pebbliviter mage class.
Average Joe Equip an item with the Averageness trait.
Awesome Sauce! Equip an item with the Awesomeness trait.
Bad Workmanship Equip a Shoddy item.
Been Around the Block a few Times Equip an Enlightened item.
Better Than Some Others Equip an item with the Somewhat Betterness trait.
Blah Blah Blah Equip an item with the Blahness trait.
Blinding Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Sunbinder mage class.
Blown Away Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Zephyrlock mage class.
Bold, Brave, and Dark Equip an item with the Stoutness trait.
Bright As The Sun Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Radiantist mage class.
Brrrrr Equip an item with the Cold Immunity trait.
Burnt To A Crisp Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Forgician mage class.
Can That Be For Real? Equip a Unbeliveable item.
Capitalism, Ho! Pick up 1000 Mercenary Coins.
Cheetah Equip an item with the Hasty Feet trait.
Congratulations, You Have Died! Die 100 times.
Courage Through Fear Equip a Heroic item.
Cozy Enter a region with a Chateau.
Crushed Ice Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Glacician mage class.
Cuts Through The Air Equip a Sleek item.
Cutting Your Teeth Be present at the death of 100 monsters.
Deadly Rose Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Thorncerer mage class.
Debonair Equip a Stylish item.
Defeat Elder Defeat Elder in a fight.
Defeat Fanzara Defeat Fanzara in a fight.
Defeat Lilith Defeat Lilith in a fight.
Defeat Vorgga Defeat Vorgga in a fight.
Defeat Wordrak Defeat Wordrak in a fight.
Did Someone Forget to Pay the Heating Bill? Enter a region that contains a Cold Dispersal Transmission Tower.
Dilapidated Enter a region with Junkyard shacks.
Do Whatever It Takes Equip an Ambitions item.
Does Lando Live There? Enter a region with a Stratospheric Citadel.
Doesn't Last That Long Equip a +1 item.
Don't Drown Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Littorist mage class.
Don't Fall Equip a Well Balanced item.
Eight is Great! Equip a +8 item.
Empty! Equip an item with the Paltry Ammunition trait.
Enemy Illuminator Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Scintillist mage class.
Eruption Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Lavalock mage class.
Everyone Knows About You Now Equip a Famed item.
Everything is Coming Apart. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Eradigist mage class.
Everything is Embers. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Slagician mage class.
Exterminator Extraordinare Be present at the death of 10000 monsters.
Eye Of The Storm Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Draftlock mage class.
Fanzara is dead. Kill Fanzara.
Feelin Fine Equip an item with the Good Health trait.
Feeling Woozy Equip an item with the Ghastly Health trait.
Filty Lucre. But Not Very Much Of It. Pick up 10 Mercenary Coins.
Flurries Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Snowcerer mage class.
Four Times the Fun Equip a +4 item.
Four...teen Times the Fun Equip a +14 item.
Fresh off the Vine Equip a Raw item.
From On High Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Mesalord mage class.
Getting Stronger Every Day Enter a region with a Level-Up Tower.
Got it Right This Time Equip a Unmistakeable item.
Happens All The Time. Don't Worry About It. Die 5 times.
He Could Go All The Way Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Staminist mage class.
Help me Doc! Enter a region that contains a Clinic.
Hero of Environ Kill the Overlord on Hero difficulty.
Hero of Heroes Kill the Overlord on Master Hero difficulty.
Horrible Equip a Horrid item.
Hurricane Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Hailbinder mage class.
I Can be Called That Too Kill the Overlord on Overlord strategic difficulty.
I can go on Forever Equip an item with the Great Health trait.
I Can Reach Up There Now Equip an item with the Helium trait.
I Hope You're Using These. Pick up 50 Mercenary Coins.
I Wish I Could Keep It. Equip a +2 item.
I'm Blind! Equip an item with the Bad Eyesight trait.
I'm Hungry Enter a region that contains a farm.
I've Never Seen That Before! Equip an item with the Good Eyesight trait.
In the Now Equip a Relevant item.
Innocence Lost! Be present at the death of a monster.
Into Oblivion Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Oblivicist mage class.
Is it Chicken? Enter a region that contains an alternate food producer.
Is There A Light Down Here? Enter a cave.
Is There No Water Anywhere? Enter a region with a Desert Amplifier Tower.
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much? Equip an item with the Excess Ammunition trait.
Is This Where the Round Table Is? Enter a region with a Swamp Castle.
It Burns My Eyes! Equip a Shiny item.
It's Getting Hot In Here. Enter a region that contains a Heat Dispersal Transmission Tower.
It's Like A Documentary Enter a Wilderness region.
It's Noisy in Here! Enter a region that contains a Factory Building.
It's Nothing But Rubble Enter region with a house that is completely destroyed.
Justice Served! Enter a region with a City Hall
Kinetic Energy Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Vivancer mage class.
Knowledge Raid! Enter a region with a Skelebot Research Facility.
Lasts All Day! Equip a +11 item.
Law and Order Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Entropicist mage class.
Leadfoot Deadly Leadenness
Learning The Ropes Die 25 times.
Learning the Ropes Kill the Overlord on Apprentice difficulty.
Let There Be Light Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Lucencer mage class.
Let There Be Light Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Illuminologist mage class.
Let There Be Light! Enter a region that contains an Ivory Tower.
Light and Airy Equip a Flowing item.
Light and Airy Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Featherologist mage class.
Lighter Fluid Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Ashist mage class.
Lightning Always Strikes Twice! Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Boltlord mage class.
Lightweight Killer Kill the Overlord on Featherweight difficulty.
Like a Boss! Equip a Powerful item.
Like a Fish Equip an item with the Good Swimming trait.
Like a Rock! Equip a Solid item.
Lilith is dead. Kill Lilith
Look Out Lumber Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Lumbermancer mage class.
Losing Is Fun! Die 50 times.
Made to Last! Equip a Reinforced item.
Meh Equip a Mediocre item.
Molasses in Winter Equip an item with the Broken Ankles trait.
Monster Control Specialist Be present at the death of 1000 monsters.
More Bang For Your Buck Equip an item with the More Ammunition trait.
More Than I Bargained For Equip an item with the Extra Shots trait.
Mouldy Equip a Rotten item.
Must Be Made Of Nanotubes Equip a +15 item.
Need a Wake Up Call Equip an item with the Sleepy Feet trait.
Needs Longer in the Oven Equip a Half-Baked item.
Needs More Polish Equip a Lackluster item.
Never Seen One Of Those Before Equip a Rare item.
Nice Place Enter a region that contains a large house.
Nine is Just Fine Equip a +9 item.
No, It Doesn't Lead To Extra Lives. Pick up a Mercenary Coin.
NONE SHALL PASS! Enter a region with an impasse.
Not a Rookie Kill the Overlord on Rook strategic difficulty.
Not an Ent. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Silvacist mage class.
Not so Thin Ice. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Floeturge mage class.
Nothing is Untamable Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Beastmaster mage class.
Nothing Left Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Annihilist mage class.
Now, With More Energy! Equip a Lively item.
Now... That's Good. Equip a Superior item.
Oh the Humiliation Equip a Humiliating item.
On And On And On Equip a +12 item.
On Fire and Hating It Equip an item with the Self Immolation trait.
One Space at a Time Kill the Overlord on Pawn strategic difficulty.
Ow! That Hurts! Equip an item with the Broken Toes trait.
Perhaps If Used To Fill A Swimming Pool... Pick up 500 Mercenary Coins
Perpetual Motion Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Vitacler mage class.
Potion Mixer Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Apothekineticist mage class.
Power Surge Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Vervician mage class.
Queen Takes Overlord Kill the Overlord on Queen strategic difficulty.
Rock Slide Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Cragpeller mage class.
Seeing is Believing Equip an item with the Excellent Eyesight trait.
Sent From Above Heavenly
Seventh Heaven Equip a +7 item.
Shame on You Equip a Shameful item.
Shhhh! Equip a Muted item.
Short and ... Equip a Stout item.
Sick as a Dog Equip an item with the Poor Health trait.
Simply The Best Equip an Unequaled item.
Sixth Time's the Charm... Twice Equip a +6 item.
So Smooth! Equip a Suave item.
Something To Write Home About Equip an Impressive item.
Spent a Lot of Time in the Gym Equip a Studded item.
Stay Away! Equip an item with the Leprosy trait.
Storm Watch Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Hurricanist mage class.
Stormy Feet Equip an item with the Lightning Running trait.
Stormy Seas. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Hyetalist mage class.
Streaking the Night Sky Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Meteorist mage class.
Suddenly Heavy Equip an item with the Rockskin trait.
Suddenly I See! Equip an item with the Superior Eyesight trait.
Sure you can Afford That? Equip a Expensive item.
Sweating Bullets Equip an item with the Heat Immunity trait.
That Looks Delicate Equip a Jewel Encrusted item.
That looks... Kinda Weird Equip an Arcane item.
That Place Looks Mean Enter a region that contains an Evil Outpost.
That Really Makes Me Happy Equip a Wonderful item.
That Takes Some Skill Kill the Overlord on Skilled difficulty.
That's a lot of guns. Enter a region with a Military Complex.
That's All? Equip an item with the Ammunition trait.
That's Terrible! Equip an item with the Terribleness trait.
That's Where The Big Guy Lives Enter a region that of the Overlord's Keep.
The Agent Called it Cute Enter a region that contains a small house.
The Stench is Terrible Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Terminist mage class.
There's a lot of Empty Space... Enter a region with an abandoned warehouse
There's a Lot of Junk Here. Enter a region that contains a Salvage Yard.
There's Magic In The Air Enter a region that produces Mana.
There's More Work To Be Done Enter a region that has a building that can be converted.
There's some Magic In There Equip a Mystical item.
Third Time's a Charm Equip a +3 item.
This Bugs Me Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Plumicler mage class.
This is Crucial Equip an Important item.
This is ok. Equip a Fine item.
This Is Why You Were Chosen Kill the Overlord on The Chosen One difficulty.
This Should Last a While! Equip a +10 item.
This Stuff is Pretty Good Equip a +5 item.
Thorny Situation. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Thicketmaster mage class.
Tidal Wave Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Aquaurgist mage class.
TIMBER!!!! Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Timbermancer mage class.
Track Runner Equip an item with the Quick Feet trait.
Two Up, One Across Kill the Overlord on Knight strategic difficulty.
Typhoon Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Pluvician mage class.
Vorgga is dead. Kill Vorgga.
Wait for it... Equip a Legendary item.
Was Old, Is New Again Equip a Reinvented item.
Watch Your Step! Enter a region that is full of rubble.
Water Water Everywhere Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Hydrolock mage class.
We Aren't In Kansas Anymore. Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Tornamancer mage class.
Weakling Equip an item with the Weakness trait.
Welcome to Environ! Die.
Well, That's Lousy! Equip an item with the Lousy trait.
What Kind of Zoo is That? Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Technozoologist mage class.
What's my Motivation? Equip a Motivated item.
Wild Animal Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Feralist mage class.
Wintery Mix Kill 50 monsters while playing as the Sleetlock mage class.
Wordrak is dead. Kill Wordrak
Wow... Just... Wow Equip an Incredible item.
You Can Only Hold 99, You Know. Pick up 100 Mercenary Coins.
You're not From Around Here, Are You? Equip an Unworldly item.
You've Got a Lot of Class Equip a Refined item.

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