Super DX-Ball Deluxe Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Super DX-Ball Deluxe Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Unlock Classic Dx-Ball 1 (1996) Board Pack {50 Boards}:

In the main menu click on the rounding 3D ball appears
between Dx~Ball.

[Hint ~ = 3D Ball].

Unlock MegaBall AGA Board Pack {20 Boards}:

In the powerup section click on MegaBall powerup.

Special Situations:

Gold Ball Mode - If a ball has hit a gold brick, but has not
hit any other kind of brick for too long, the
ball turns yellow and all gold bricks become
breakable. Also all multi-hit bricks are
breakable with one hit (glass, metal, pink gold).

Gold Ball Mode also triggers when a ball is trapped
in a loop. Every board is beatable, if you
are patient.

Act of God - The last brick on the board will be destroyed if it
takes too long to hit it. You will hear a zapping
sound that keeps getting louder... then eventually
a lightning bolt will blow-up the brick.

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