Pillars of Eternity : Definitive Edition Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Pillars of Eternity : Definitive Edition Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Cheat Codes:

Hit the tilde (`) key to bring up the the text box and type "iroll20s"
to unlock the console commands.

Note that doing so will disable steam achievements

Code Effect
AddAbility playername nameofability - Adds abilitys (Talents)
to a specific player
AddItem itemname stackcountamount - Adds items
AdvanceTimeByHour numberofhours - Fast forwards time
AddExperience amount - Gives Experiance
GivePlayerMoney amount - Gives money
RemovePlayerMoney amount - Removes money
AttributeScore playername
attributename amount - Sets base attribute score
Skill playername skillname amount - Sets base skill score
SetTime timewanted - Sets time
(1 for 1am, 14 for 2 pm)

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