Popup Dungeon Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Popup Dungeon Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Alpha Build Issues Fixed:
Written by TBTBuild

Popup Dungeon is a papercraft roguelike RPG that lets you create any weapon,
ability, enemy, and hero imaginable.

-=Game Will No Longer Start=-
Before deleting any folder or file mentioned below, it is a good idea to
make a back up.

First thing to try is deleting the save data for your current run through
a campaign. This can be done by deleting your current "Run" folder which can
be found in the following location:
...\Documents\My Games\Popup Dungeon\Backer-Alpha 4\Profiles\Default\Game Progress\Run

If the game still won’t start, the next thing to try is deleting your "Game Progress" folder found in the following location:
..\Documents\My Games\Popup Dungeon\Backer-Alpha 4\Profiles\Default\Game Progress

Last thing to try is deleting your "Default" profile data folder found in
the following location:
..Documents\My Games\Popup Dungeon\Backer-Alpha 4\Profiles\Default

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