Cyberpunk 2077 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Cyberpunk 2077 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

How to Save Barry (Happy Together):
Written by OncomingStormDW

This is spoilers for the side quest, Happy Together.

It involves a character named Barry, It is assigned by two police officers
who are standing next to the staircase in front of your Apartment.

-=Saving Barry=-
The point of this quest is that sometimes you should stick around and listen
to the NPCs instead of skipping their dialogue, only selecting options that are
highlighted to progress the story, and that sometimes, Optional objectives are
worth your time.

If this was the hint you needed, good, take a moment and see if you figured
it out.

-=If not, here is the Quick-Steps version=-
* Use any of the options once you reach his door, he will then let you in.
* Sit next to him and talk to him, make sure to use the kindest possible option
in the first choice.
* In the second choice, make sure to ask him how Andrew died, he will then reveal
that he has a niche in the local equivalent of a graveyard.
* This will take you back to the second choice, choose the kinder option...
(Do Not Pick The "Forget About Him" Option)
* Visit Andrew's grave
* After being berated by Johnny, you will then have a new gold dialog option
when you speak to the cops who gave the mission, using it will result in them
intervening and saving Barry's life.
* Mission Accomplished, Samurai.

Save Game Editing:
You will need to go to;

C:\Users\< your username >\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\

Now that you are there you should see files titled ManualSave and AutoSave. You
should now locate the saves you wish to edit and identify them either by looking
at the date saved or the screenshot.png located inside the folders. Make sure that
you navigate to the correct folder and change the username to match yours.

Open the file that’s title contains metadata within your saves folder with a text
editor of your choice.

The information in this file should align with your current game state e.g. Gender,
current quest, position and lifepath. Now to change these values you simple edit
them, for example, if I wished to change physical gender and the pronouns my
character uses i would change bodyGender and brain gender from “Male” to “Female”
like so

Now just load up the game and witness the changes you have made.

How to Access Bonus Content:
Written by >noderunner_

How to access bonus content including the Soundtrack, Wallpapers, Avatars, Short
Story, Posters, and Sourcebook.

-=Method #1: Steam Properties=-
Right click on the game in your Steam library and select "Properties".
A window will open, click on the "LOCAL FILES" tab then on the "BROWSE LOCAL FILES..."
You are in the game folder. Navigate to the "BonusContent" folder.

-=Method #2: Manual=-
You'll find the bonus content in the following location:

...\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\BonusContent

Radio Stations List:
Written by Glyber Dunk

A tier list of the radio stations.

Tier List: Hip-Hop / Modern


The Dirge is in my opinion the best flat out, because it has modern artists that
we all know and love, mixed with a-lot of ones we've never heard of; yet they seem to
all feel like they belong, and seem accurate to what a cyber punk hood rat would
listen to.

-=Tier List: EDM=-

Honestly the first two stations are the only decent ones in my opinion, the other
two seem to be very arcade and do not fit night cities theme at all.

-=Tier List: Screamo=-

No station ranks pretty high here for me, because if you're listening to screamo in
CP77 you probably need to be alone with your thoughts, it gets better man. I promise.

Vending Machine Exploit Guide:
Written by Tannco

How to Profit

* Purchase the "Mechanic" perk.
* Buy stuff from vending machine.
* Be ware, only buy from those selling price is 10$.
* Disassemble what you bought, you'll get 6 common components and 3 uncommon components.
* Each common can sell for 5$, 8$ for uncommon one.
* Sell the components you get.(or you can keep it for crafting)
* Profit.

How to Change Key Bindings:
Written by Syn MarviN

Guide to Change Key Bindings

Change Windows View pane to Show Hidden Files.
Go C:\Users\YOU\Appdata\CDPR\CP77\Usersettings.json and edit these for arrow key usage.

-=How to Edit Keybindings=-

"name": "forward",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_Up",
"default_value": "IK_W"
"name": "back",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_Down",
"default_value": "IK_S"
"name": "left",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_Left",
"default_value": "IK_A"
"name": "right",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_Right",
"default_value": "IK_D"

Defeating Adam Smasher boss:
During the "Totalimmortal" main mission, you will fight Adam Smasher. It is recommended
to equip a revolver, assault rifle, and sniper rifle (this covers different types of ammo
so you do not run out of bullets). Adam Smasher will initially use melee attacks. Shoot
off his right arm (when aiming at him, to your left). Once he loses this body part, it
causes him a lot of damage and he will stop using melee attacks. He will then mostly
resort to using the rocket launcher on his back. When he shoots rockets, you will always
want to keep moving because they are targeted at the area where you were standing. They
are easy to avoid. Between his missile charges, shoot him with the sniper rifle and assault
rifle from a distance. He will also start spawning some lesser enemies as his health drops.
The ninja-type enemies are easily defeated with 1-2 frag grenades (they may evade your
bullets -- so throw a grenade to save ammo). Circle around the upper area and keep your
distance to Adam Smasher. Only focus on the lesser enemies when they get close to you,
otherwise focus your attention on Adam Smasher. He has a lot of health, but after his
initial melee phase, he is pretty limited in his moves. Shoot off the rocket launcher on
his back, and he will be defenseless and not have much left to attack you. At that point,
you could also hit him with melee weapons if you run out of ammo.

How to Disable double-tap Dodge:
Go to \r6\config\.

* Open "inputContexts.xml" with a text editor.
* Search (Ctrl+F) for . Look at the lines directly below.
* Next to DodgeForward, DodgeRight, DodgeBack, and DodgeLeft will have the count set to 2.
Change this number to 99.
* Save and exit the file.

With these changes, you can no longer double-tap in a direction to dodge, but you can
still hold a desired direction and double-tap the crouch button to dodge in that direction.

How to Get the Mantis Blades:
Written by Viix

In order to get the Mantis Blades, you need to visit a ripperdoc.
To be eligible for the Mantis Blades, you need 20 street cred and 16,000 euro.

Mantis Blades also have their own special attack, after holding and releasing your
left mouse button, V leaps forward towards a target and stabs them for massive damage.

Tip: You should focus on reflexes, which increases your movement speed, passive evasion,
crit chance, and damage from Mantis Blades.

How to unlock all of Johnny Silverhand’s Items
Item #1: Tank Top

One of the first items that you will want to have unlocked in order to put together the whole outfit is Johnny’s Tank Top.

Towards the end of the main story in Cyberpunk 2077, you will be able to start a mission called Tapeworm. There are a total of 4 conversations and interactions you will have with Johnny each being a different mission and gives a different item.

For Tapeworm all you must do is start the mission and complete it.

After completion of Tapeworm you should automatically unlock the Tank top.

Item #2: Aviators

Following the first mission of Tapeworm you should eventually receive a side job called Chippin’ In.

Job is pretty self explanatory, just follow what the description of the job says.

With completion of the side job Chippin’ In you will unlock Johnny’s Aviators.

Item #3: Samurai Jacket

Same with the aviators, you should be able to unlock the jacket through the side job Chippin’ In.

Rogue will offer you the Jacket out of the trunk of a car on the side job Chippin’ In, therefore you should receive a Replica of Johnny’s Samurai Jacket.

Item #4: Malorian Arms 3516 (Johnny’s Gun)

This gun is pretty damn awesome. With a flamethrower that disperses when you punch someone to dealing pretty high consistent damage this gun is a keeper.

In order to have this added to your inventory you have to take it from a guy named Grayson in the side job Chippin’ In.

After taking out the enemies aboard the cargo ship and knocking down a man named Grayson, you will take back the gun as an option that pops up.

Item #5: Porsche 911 11 (930) Turbo (Johnny’s Car)

For this one you must pay attention because the reward is a car and it is possible to mess it up. In order to obtain the key card as well as the location of the car you must NOT draw you weapon on Grayson in the side job Chippin’ In. Trust me, I’ve made the mistake.

After finding Grayson and questioning him, you must avoid drawing you weapon because with Grayson alive he will tell you the location of the car as well as give you the key to unlock where it is.

Item #6: Pants

Defiantly not as great as a car or gun but still a necessary item for the whole set and required if you want to unlock the achievement of owning all of Johnny’s items.

So for this item you must find the pants in a suitcase situated in an apartment building from the “GIG: PSYCHOFAN”

For me at least I didn’t have the gig in my journal and if this is the case for you, you can find the gig as an undiscovered exclamation point in the southside of Glen.

Once you reach the apartment building you will want to enter the elevator, from there head to the apartment floor and if you have enough stats you may be able to open the door to the apartment if not don’t worry, climb up the ladder to the roof and head to the ledge facing the street, from there carefully jump down onto the balcony below and enter through the door. Then head upstairs and look for a suitcase, should be found inside.

*Also if you have time to spare, there is a room inside that apartment on the second floor with a guitar inside and a locked keypad. The code to get in is: 2065 (However it may tell you the code when you get near the door)
Item #7: Shoes

Item #7! You are all the final item to finishing the complete set and unlocking the achievement Breathtaking.

The shoes are able to be obtained through Gig: Family Heirloom, if you have yet to discover this gig, you can find it as undiscovered in the southeastern portion of Charter Hill in Westbrook.

Once you reach the garage your suppose to go to for the gig, try your best to eliminate the enemy targets. After you have a clear path, head to the room on the far back wall, there you will see a locker and inside of it the shoes!

By now you should have unlocked all of Johnny Silverhand’s items and earned the achievement Breathtaking. I hope this guide as helpful and good luck exploring Night City!

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