Name of the file: Space Crew Cheat Codes - Author: DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K Basic Advance Safety Tips: -------------------------- Written by TiMElesS I want to help people in SpaceCrew and share some basic/advance strategies tips I have been working on? -=Intro=- I am here to share some basic/advance strategies that I use for managing my ship in Space Crew that will make you win any mission 100% of the time and with 0 casualties, so without further due, let's start. -=Tips=- First of all you don't need to actually do this, but giving your spaceship a proper name and paintjob, (and modifying the names and looks of characters) is really an extra bonus because of all the time you will spend with them, and will make you actually care about the crew and ship. So now, the first recommended tip is to upgrade your equipment ASAP, (this is pretty obvious) but at the beginning it's really important to have enough med kits/phasers/fire extinguisher in that order, as your ship and crew is brand new and you will need the equipment. It's one of the cheapest thing you can buy, it must be handy too so your crew can have access to the stuff they need, and don't forget about at least one space suit, fixing an engine without oxygen is no fun. Don't be afraid to depressurize everything in order to avoid fires and intruders, be aware that if Phasmids bord, they will aggro your crewmates after attacking him/her and if the crewmate is a Security Officer he/she will go after them, same thing if they catch on fire you will have little control over them, so make sure they are in a safe space or locked in their positions before sending your enemies into space. Half desperate times requires half desperate measures, devert all power where you need it, if you are in an asteroid belt, having that extra power in engines with evasion will be nice, having extrafire power when you are charging to the enemies it's a great sinergy, and having extrashields when you are in a defensive route and being overwhelmed is great. Use the Dradis (radar), if you have the Comms Officer it will always tell the direction of enemies, when you enter a zone you can charge at them, but be aware of reenforcing the shields and tracing a defensive route if new enemies join the fight Don't use everything at once unless required or everything has gone south, let's say the Phasmids border you and you are being overwhelmed by them and there's a champion too (although if you are being careful this would rarely happen) you have exhausted your get out of jail invisible mode card, you don't have PEM to make time for skills, healing and securing your ship and you don't have fast charging available. Don't be afraid to pull your Comms Officer and Captain at the same time you are diverting all engine power to shields/guns. Securing your ship at the same time your gunners do the work can be life saving although you are a sitting duck, this measure it's really a desperate one but it can help you in that time of crisis You can go for a fast pace ship maximizing speed, or a heavy spacetank, and everything in between of course, and train your crew secondary skill to whatever style you choose. For example if you want to have a spacetank you should always have someone in shields, or if you want to have a speedy Viper with fast recharge shields, having an extra engineer, security officer and gunner would be ideal You really don't want to lose any member of your crew nor your ship, so only go for missions you know you can take. Abort mission and escape pods are always an option. Do whatever needed to protect your crew. |