Staxel Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Staxel Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press ENTER to open the chat window. Then activate one of the effects
indicated below by entering the corresponding cheat phrase.
Note: All the cheats are entered through chat. No need to go through console.

/help - Shows a list of commands.

/enableCheats - Enable server administrator commands for the current player.

/spawnitem [YourNameHere] {“kind” : “staxel.item.Something” } – Debug Tools.
Replace [YourNameHere] with your username, and “staxel.item.Something” with either;
“staxel.item.Import” for the Import tool, “staxel.item.Export” for the Export tool,
“staxel.item.MassFiller” for the Mass Filler or “staxel.item.MassReplacer” for the
Mass Replacer.

/fly - Activates “fly mode”.

/walk - Deactives flying and allows you to walk again.

/noclip - Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects

/teleport - You are teleported in the way that you are facing.

/creative - Creative mode

/op [username] - Give someone admin powers!

/tp [player to be moved] [player who will get someone teleported on top of
their face] - Teleport

/givepetals - Printing money is illegal! Please use only in emergencies!

/stealpetals - Someone been naughty and robbed all the shops?
Time to confiscate the goods!

Mechanics Tricks:
Written by ZelosZalis

Heres some simple tricks with the mechanics not everyone might know.

If you cast your line fishing and pull up the esc menu, the timer freezes. However
you can still hook fish, you'll need to unpause to do the reeling in minigame, but
this allows you to catch more fishin in a day (doesn't work in multiplayer. DUH)

When cooking, if you use your scroll wheel to change tool, you will skip the cooking
animation, this is useful for frying and boiling where the animation is long so you
can keep a steady flow when cooking a mass amount of food.

Always try to milk you cows twice, its not very often but occasionally they can be
milked twice a day, not sure if its a bug or what, but don't let it go to waste.

When harvesting crops, pull out your bug net, you'll get an extention to your
harvesting range. You want have to run around so much.

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