Shining Song Starnova: Idol Empire Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Shining Song Starnova: Idol Empire Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

General Tips:
written By KuriGohan and Kamehameha

* Don’t waste money on large rooms when you usually don’t need it. Stagger out
your scheduling so your Idols aren’t all doing the same thing at once. Some
stages are very restrictive on space so building smaller rooms is usually a
plus either way.

* Always have your Idols apply makeup before a Live. This helps with them popping
the Look bubbles at the Live and can be extremely helpful.

* Save before you schedule a Live. If you’re not selling enough tickets to sell out,
reload and try a smaller venue. Also works if you sell out too fast, you can reload
and select a larger venue.

* You can use the Cafeteria up to 3 times per week if you schedule it right. You
should space out the days your Idols eat and alternate what they eat. They
shouldn’t get any Eating Disorders by doing in this way (sometimes you might pop
one, just cure it and it shouldn’t reappear). A good schedule is Monday, Wednesday,
Friday. Have Looks (diet greens) on Monday and Friday with HP (protein) on Wednesday
(or vice-versa).

* Avoid Scandals by keeping your Pure up and your Infamy low. Once you start getting
hit with Scandals, make sure to hire a Lawyer. The KN cost is better than dealing
with the fallout from penalties related to Scandals.

* Avoid Fanquakes by keeping your Fame higher than Infamy. If your Infamy goes higher
than Fame (on any one idol, or combined) you will trigger Fanquakes.

* The unlockable decorations are all very useful. You should unlock them and use them
as soon as possible. Once they’re unlocked you can use them in any stage.

Making Money:
There’s several ways to make money, but the order to do things or the best times
to do them might not be obvious. There’s no “best” or “easiest” way to make money,
really, it’s just whatever method you prefer.

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