Name of the file: Monster Prom Cheat Codes - Author: DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. How to Unlock Secret Route: Valerie: -------------------------------------- In the game, you will sometimes go to the shop for a stat bonus or to simply buy an event item. However, the shopkeeper herself is actually an interactable character, in which you learn more about the side characters! -=Prepare=- Your first move should be visiting the library in order to gain +2 wealth, so you can perform Step 2 later on. -=1. Unlocking the Route=- Arguably the easiest step, in order to perform this, you must visit the shopkeep three times in a row without buying anything. -=2. Meeting Valerie=- The next step involves sitting at the Shopkeeps table, which reveals that she actually has sprites within the game like other characters! Shortly afterwards, she introduces herself as Valerie. Afterwards, the Slayer will drop in and Valerie will initate conversation with her, revealing her name. After some more dialogue, you will be presented with a choice. This is why we went to the Library first, in order to gain extra wealth. Choose the first option. +Charm +Money. -=3. The Coven=- Go to the Library again in order to gain +Money, and do whatever interaction is there that time increment (preferably Damian, as we need Boldness for Step 4). Interact with Valeries table in order to start the flag for the next step (10+ Money req.) Head to the Library next turn. You will run into The Coven. Faith, Joy, and Hope from left to right. (think). Go through the dialogue. Choose the first choice. (transmedia, video games, marketing). +Smarts. -=4. The Prince=- Go to the Bathroom until you have 15+ Boldness. At noon, click Vals table. During evening time, after 15+ Boldness, head to Outdoors at Week 6 Evening. Anyways, the Prince will arrive and try to steal your love interest AGAIN, that blue loser. Start a Fire in is the correct option if you have 15+ Boldness. +3 Charm, +3 Boldness. -=5. Booyah!=- Prom Day is here, but she isnt on the list, oh no! Just kidding, click go alone and Valerie will interact with you once more. Then, you two will go to prom! You will get an achievement for your efforts, along with the photo. Savor it, its rare!!!! How to Get a Secret Polaroid Ending Picture: -------------------------------------------- Written by Klötchen How to get your sweet ending polaroids wich aren't shown in the ending credits! -=Pretty Sweet Polaroids=- Ever wondered what the polaroid with Vera and Blue means and why it is not shown in the ending credits exept on the pinboard were you can barely see it? Well thats because it's one of the secret polaroids you can get if you pick the right player character and fitting love interest and get them to go to prom with you! So im just gonna write some down who you'll need to pick cuz they're pretty sweet! * Yellow and Polly * Red and Scott * Green and Liam * Blue and Vera (as you can see on the pinboard) These Polaroids are going to appear at the very end of the credits and there are still some I have not included so have fun finding them! Secret Ending (Punching the Sun): --------------------------------- Written by Mylingen Just a little walkthrough with a few ways on how to punch the sun with everyones favourite prince of hell. So, to get started, know that the easiest way to get this is to boost your bold stat pretty consistenly, and then throw some points towards either charm or creativity as a secondary stat, then either smarts or fun for your third. These stat boosts can be gained depending on which answers you pick during the quiz, just make sure you select Damien's answer for the third question! Obviously... As expected, you need to trigger the first event. (For some reason, this always occured at the auditorium for me, and I played through this ending three consecutive times) (after publishing this guide, the number has gone up to seven, and I've gone through all the possible answers). Here, Scott and Damien will be arm wrestling: Suggest punching the sun (Bold) The other answer will not unlock the "quest" to punch the sun... Next, Damien asks how he will get to the sun: Check WikiHow (Smarts) Rent the school spaceship (Bold) Third, confrontation with the coven: Convince them that the sun is the real big bad (Charm) Forge a prophecy (Creative) Finally, motivate Damien to achieve his goals!: Surprise the sun by attacking at night (Fun) Check for answers on the internet (Smarts) Now you're ready to ask Damien to prom! Enjoy! Gift Endings: ------------- Written by Oz Gold All endings related to the new gift update. -=Gift Endings=- Extra items Items that dont give endings: Bonestorm Coal Very good Salad A Satanist Kit Sexy Sweater A Sock Puppet X-mas Gun A winning Lottery Ticket. Putting Challange (please not im note sure if and which of these items give the final ending) A drawing from A random Kid Event 1 1. Smart Starting a disucssion on the history and development of jazz as a musical art form 2. Fun Making a silly face! Event 2 1. Charm Convince them your time travelers and giving Scott pizza will save them. 2. Bold Act like an entitled peice of **** Event 3 1. Charming Explain that some people have a hard time talking about emotions 2. Creativity Pin a ribbon on the potato Ask Scott to prom The ??????? Event 1 1. Bold Catch a real ??????? 2. Creative Get into the mind of a ??????? Event 2 1. Smart Go to Belen and check cameras 2. Fun Go to Blen and collect ????? Event 3 1. Smart Divert attention by turning it into a mindless souvenir 2.Fun K-pop and Garfeild Ask Damien or Liam tp prom Mind control classes Event 1 1. Bold No drinks 2. Fun Posion Antidote Event 2 1. Creativity Security Game 2. Fun Smoking Opium Event 3 1. Creativity Propaganda 2. Charming The Assassins Grandama Ask Miranda to prom. Please note this item has 2 ending. if u fail 2 times u get a different ending. A date Event 1 1. Creative Disassemble the Bear 2.Smart Secret art of the gift-giving monks Event 2 1. Smart Lore coupon 2.Fun The pizza one Event 3 1. Creative Real fake anthropologist 2. Bold FBI agent Event 4 1. Smart Laser pointer 2. Creative Website Go to prom alone. Note: Its been told by a few that the mind control item can give 2 endings. i have yet to try this out. Halloween Secret Ending: ------------------------ Written by Zowl The Assassin So this is for the Halloween update that has the locket as a purchasable item in the item shop. This guide is about the locket item in the item shop that you can get during the Halloween update (2019). This is based on the run that I have done and was able to get. What to do So in order to start this secret ending, you need to do the following: Step 1) Go to Vals shop and buy the locket for $7 Step 2) your first interaction is with Polly, your choice is to drug test the locket with the charm stat, or STAY HYDRATED with the smarts stat! Step 3) Polly is on a rampage so you have to help with The Coven (great) so you either find the kid who talks to ghosts with the charming stat, or use the Ouija board with the smarts stat. Step 4) You find Polly messing with the schools power in the basement (theres a joke here somewhere but not now) and you learn a bit more of her past, you ask her to talk about her father by using the bold stat, or tell her your not here to judge by using the charm stat. Step 5) Ask no one to prom! |