Name of the file: Minecraft Dungeons Cheat Codes - Author: DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Console Commands: ----------------- Any command you enter in single player will need to be prefixed by forward slash (/); multiplayer commands will not work with this prefix. Now it’s just a simple case of typing in the desired command and hitting the “Enter” key. -=Item & Mob Commands=- /give [quantity] Adds item to player’s inventory, in specified quantity if item is stackable. /gamerule keepInventory true Keep your inventory items after you die, replace true with false to reverse /summon [x y z] Spawns the entity at the player’s location, or optional specified coordinates if entered. -=World and Environment=- /seed Produces a seed code so you can recreate your world later /setworldspawn [x y z] Set the world spawn location to the player’s current position, or optional specified coordinates if entered /gamemode [player] Sets the game mode type (use survival, creative, adventure, or spectator) for yourself or an optional player /gamerule [value] Queries the value of a game rule, or amends it if an optional value is entered. A list of rule codes is here /difficulty Sets the difficulty level (use peaceful, easy, normal, or hard) /time set Sets the world game time, use 0 (Dawn), 1000 (Morning), 6000 (Midday), 12000 (Dusk), or 18000 (Night) as the value /gamerule doDaylightCycle false Turn off the day/night cycle, replace false with true to reactivate /weather [duration] Sets the weather type (use clear, rain, or thunder) for an optional duration in seconds /gamerule doWeatherCycle false Turn off weather changes, replace false with true to reactivate /clone Clones the blocks in the region between coordinates and, then places them with coordinates in the lower northwest corner -=Player Minecraft Dungeons Commands=- /kill [player] Kill yourself (or specified player) /tp [player] Teleport yourself (or specified player) to the coordinates entered /effect [player|entity] [duration] Applies the effect to the specified player or entity, for an option duration in seconds. /effect clear [player|entity] [effect] Clear all effects, or optionally just the specified effect, from the player or entity. /enchant [level] Apply the enchantment to the specified player’s selected item, at an optional level. /experience add Adds the stated amount of experience points to the specified player. Put the word levels on the end to add experience levels instead Secret dungeons: ---------------- Search the indicted location on any difficulty to find the corresponding dungeon. Some hidden dungeon locations are randomized —- they will not appear every time you enter a zone, and the zones may need to be replayed multiple times to find the hidden entrance. Arch Haven: It is found in the Pumpkin Pastures zone. You will need to revisit Pumpkin Pastures often for it to appear. Look for a ship that spawns on the map. It may take 5-7 replays to find it. Creepy Crypt: It is found in the Creeper Woods zone. Look for an optional path down the forest to an opening with a small stone structure -- interact to unlock the interior. This should appear every time. Keep your map open to see the hidden forest path. Soggy Caves: It is found in the Soggy Swamp zone. It is located down an optional path that leads to a temple building, similar to the Creepy Crypt. This one appears more rarely —- check how many secrets are on your map. If there are less than three, the entrance will not spawn. Underhalls: It is found in the Highblock Halls zone. Keep your map open, and reach an area with two hanging shields. Interact with a shield to unlock the path to the hidden area. You will find it as you explore the main path. |