GrandChase Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: GrandChase Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Ultimate Currency Guide:
Written by ZELKEY

-=GrandChase has 4 currencies=-
* GP (GamePoints).
* PP (PowerPoints).
* VP (VoucherPoints) aka Cash or K-Ching.
* Hero's Bullion.

Main currency of the game, it can be used to buy items in Shop, as well as to
craft items along with the materials.

-=How to Get GP?=-
You can get GP by selling untimed items, or through events, or by completing
dungeons. When doing dungeons GP can be picked up by defeating monsters.
Silver Coin = 10GP while Gold Coin = 50GP.

Second currency of the game, only used to buy items in Shop in it's specific Tab.

-=How to Get PP?=-
PP can only be obtained by attendance, everyday GrandChase Classic Attendance
gives you PP after you play GrandChase for 30mins.

Third currency of the game, also used to buy items via Shop in VP and CoordiShop
(aka Avatar Shop or Visual Shop).

-=How to Get VP?=-
You can earn VP every time you start a new character by doing the Challenge
Quest, or buying it with real money.

-=Hero's Bullion=-
Last currency of the game, can be used to buy items in the Hero's Bullion Shop.

-=How to Get Hero's Bullion?=-
You can get Hero's Bullion when you complete a Hero Dungeon, Combining 4
different Continent Pearls = 1 Hero's Bullion, or Combining 10 Hero's Bullion
Fragment = 1 Hero's Bullion.

Note: When you successfully completed the Hero Dungeon, it will give you 1 Hero's
Bullion and 1-2 Hero's Bullion Fragment. But if you failed your Hero Dungeon it
will only give you 1-2 Hero's Bullion Fragment.

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