Name of the file: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Cheat Codes - Author: DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Where to get the double-bladed Lightsaber: ------------------------------------------ * Once youve found Eno Cordovas recordings on Bogano, you will unlock two destinations on the Mantis holotable: Zeffo and Dathomir. * Star Wars obsessives might recognise the inhospitable red planet of Dathomir as the home world of one of the series most memorable villains – Darth Maul. * Since you have no current objective on Dathomir, its easy to plough on with the rest of the story and forget about it. But going there straight away means you can play with the double-bladed Lightsaber for more of the game. * Its designed for crowd-control, so although its attacks are weaker than your regular lightsaber, the double-bladed variant comes in handy when youre dropped into large groups of enemies. * To find the double-bladed Lightsaber, touch down on Dathomir and jump from the landing pad to the main island – the Strangled Cliffs. * Explore the area and youll be able to climb up to another level, which leads to the Upper Strangled Cliffs. * After this youre in the Brothers Bastion, which is where you want to be. * From the save point, go up the hill and take out the enemies, then turn right and follow the path around until you go inside. * FIght through this chamber, then go up the stairs on the other side. In the next room you need to follow the path left, then left again. * Deflect the archers bolts back at them, then climb up to where they were and continue around the path. You should now be overlooking a lower area with a giant spider. Jump down and clear out the enemies, then head out of the door to the left. * On your left theres a shortcut door that leads back to the save point, but in front of you is a large temple and a gap you can jump across. * Instead of jumping up towards the temple, go down the slope and turn left. At the bottom of here you will find a worktable with the parts you need to craft a double-bladed Lightsaber. How to Skip Intro: ------------------ Written by Szaby59 Start the game slightly faster by skipping the intro movies. 1.Go to your game files, for example: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Jedi Fallen Order 2.Then SwGame -> Content -> Movies 3.Rename the two mp4 files (Default_Startup and Default_Startup_Loop) - the new name can be anything, it doesn't matter - or move them to a backup folder, from where you can restore them if needed. 4. Done. How to Change the Difficulty: ----------------------------- While the normal difficulty is doable, any higher and most of the enemies youll face will be a real challenge. If youre in the mood for a swashbuckling adventure more like Star Wars games of the past, then try out Story Mode, which lowers the incoming damage of enemy attacks, makes them less aggressive, and removes fall damage from the picture completely. You can change the difficulty at any time from the pause menu – and that means any time. There isnt a penalty; which effectively gives you the ability to “skip” sections youre having trouble with by lowering the difficulty then boosting it back up. Where do I find my savegames?: ------------------------------ Savegames can be found here: C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Respawn\JediFallenOrder\ (You need to replace USERNAME by your actual user name in Windows) Hacking Security Droids: ------------------------ On Kashyyk (third planet), after the Security Droid boss, you will free the Wookies from their prison. On the exterior walkway outside the prison block, look to the right to see a locked door and hanging rope. Jump to the rope and swing to the second rope, leading to a raised alcove and upgrade station. Use it to upgrade BD-1 with a hacking module, allowing you to take over damaged Security Droids. After doing enough damage to Security Droids, a prompt will appear allowing you to take control of them. This upgrade is easy to miss during your first visit to Kashyyk. It is not required, but it does make future encounters against large numbers of enemies much easier. Security Droids are common on Imperial Bases, and you will sometimes have to deal with waves of enemies from landing craft. Security Droids are also an easy way to distract enemies. |