Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Skip Intro Videos:
Follow these simple steps to skip intro videos.

* Go to [path-to-game]\GameSDK\_FastLoad\.
* Rename/move/delete IntroMovies.pak.

Language Selection Issue Fix:
Follow these simple steps;

* Library -> Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts right click -> properties-> language.
* Make sure you have game closed – as it need restart to apply language change.
* Sometimes this settings doesn’t show available language, you can change tab eg.
to DLC and then get back to language and now changing language should be available.
* Change game language to some other than the one you want -> then launch game ->
close it -> open properties again -> change you preferred language – this should
force language change.
* Last option is to restart steam and try first step again.

SGW Contracts detect preferred via steam api, so please make sure you set up right
language in properties.

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