Name of the file: Stellaris: MegaCorp Cheat Codes - Author: DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. The console can be accessed by tapping the tilde ~ (between the Tab and ESC keys) while in-game. A complete list of console commands can be listed by typing "help" in the console. Below are some that you might be most interested in. Note: This wont work in Ironman games. Result Code --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash. Add [amount]. Defaults to 5000. example: Cash 10000 - cash [amount] Adds Engineering points - engineering [amount] Adds Minerals - minerals [amount] Adds Influence - influence [amount] Adds Physics - physics 50000 Adds Society - society [amount] Add trait to species [species index] [trait key] Example: add_trait_species human intelligent - add_trait_species Enables instant build - instant_build Unlocks all technologies - research_technologies Adds specified amount of specified resource - resource [resource] [amount] Adds specified number of skills to leaders - skills [value] Invincible / God Mode - invincible Selected ship takes x damage - damage [amount] Crash The Game - crash Enable/Disable unlimited ftl - ftl Enable/Disable contact with all - contact Fills all free slots on selected planet with pop. (Doesnt remove tile blockers.) [Select Planet] populate Survey all planets - survey Re-generates the tech tree of the player - techuptade Sets to game up for an overnight session. Example: overnight 2 - overnight Attempt to change computer lights with Alien FX - alienfx Makes all fleets target all other fleets - attackallfleets Toggles allowing player to change governments without the time limit - free_government Finishes all active researches - finish_research Toggles allowing player to change policies without restriction, including policies previously disabled. - free_policies Colony ships will no longer take time to settle. - instant_colony Used with tweakergui. Ships will teleport instantly to right click cursor. FTL has no spool up or travel time. Example: tweakergui instant_move - instant_move Toggles enemy AI on or off - ai Jumps forward in-game days by specified value - fast_forward [value] Instantly kills entire country - kill_country [country ID] All AI-controlled nations never agree with your deals and proposals. - debug_nomen All AI-controlled nations always agree with your deals and proposals. - debug_yesmen Starts a ruler election. - election Planet Resource Console Commands: --------------------------------- The planet_resource command fills random tiles on a selected planet with a definable resource. Here is the full list you can enter into the command planet_resource [resource name]: sr_lythuric - Lythuric gas sr_alien_pets - Alien pets sr_betharian - Betharian stone sr_dark_matter - Dark matter energy - Energy engineering_research - Engineering Research sr_engos - Engos vapor food - Food minerals - Minerals sr_neutronium - Neutronium ore sr_orillium - Orillium ore physics_research - Physics research sr_pitharan - Pitharan dust sr_satramene - Satramene gas society_research - Society research sr_teldar - Teldar crystals sr_terraform_gases - Terraforming gases sr_terraform_liquids - Terraforming liquids sr_zro - Terraforming liquids |