Megajump Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Megajump Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Unlock Dev Mode for Teleporting:
In this guide I GUIDE you (xD) through activating Dev Mode for MEGAJUMP.

-=Unlocking Devmode=-
* Press “Windows + r” and type %appdata%
* Navigate backwards 1 level so you are in the AppData folder
* Open LocalLow
* Open laptopGaming
* In here you need to create a text file called Commands and paste
the following code:

"Devmode" : {
"__type" : "System.Boolean",
"value" : true

It is very important that you type EXACLY that and that the File name
is “Commands” spelled exactly like that or it wont work.

* Save the Text file but remove the .txt from the file.
* Now whenever you load into a level you will have Devmode active.
* To deactivate Devmode you just change the name of the file.

While Dev mode is Active you can press J to set a teleport point and
spam K to teleport back to it.

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