Name of the file: Dying Light 2 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV |
Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K All Safe Codes: --------------- Written by Dendy -=Safe 1=- – North of Houndfield in Saint Joseph hospital. This safe is part of the first Biomarker quest. -=Safe 2=- – East of Houndfield. The safe is on the ground floor of the Nightrunners Hideout north of Cherry Windmill. -=Safe 3=- – South of Horseshoe, inside the water tower. This safe requires you to side with Jack and Joe and get arrested. -=Safe 4=- – East of Downtown, on top of the military airdrop building next to the bandit camp. -=Safe 5=- – North of Muddy Grounds, in the basement of the water tower. Make sure to keep the map during The Deserter quest to get the quest to hunt down this safe. -=Safe 6=- – South of Garrison, in Section C of the electrical station building. You can unlock the door to the room with the safe by connecting the wire. -=Safe 7=- – South of Trinity at the top of the bazaar church tower. You will need lots of stamina to reach this area. -=Safe Codes=- Safe 1 – 973 Safe 2 – 101 Safe 3 – 1492 Safe 4 – 313 Safe 5 – 032167 Safe 6 – 314 Safe 7 – 510 How to Set Your Server Private: ------------------------------- Written by MrKizu This server helps you from keeping any outsiders away from your server! -=Introduction=- Because the server list is already flooded with servers that you mostly cannot get into because of the connection issues at the moment so it might be a good thing to just have your server on private to save some space, eh? -=1st Step=- So first you go to your Online Menu in your pause screen and click it. -=2nd Step=- You go to your Online Options. Its inside the red square. -=3rd Step=- You scroll the first selection until you find “Private” Ill give you these few terms: "Friends Only" = Only hosts friends can join. "Single Player" = Host is on his / her / its own and no one can join. "Publix" = Any random person can join without hosts permission. "Private" = Only the player that host invited can join the game. And you are done! Enjoy the outsider-free experience and please stop cluttering the server browser. Techland already has issues with its servers so youd be doing a favor to them and players who want to hang out. How to Change the Day/Night Cycle: ---------------------------------- Written by FkYoSht This is an attempt to explain the easy process of modding the day/night cycle of the vanilla game to whatever the user desires. -=Intro=- First off, If you dont feel like messing with a compressed archive there is a mod that changes the day\night cycle to Real Time Mod (1 in game hour = 1 irl hour). If a 1 to 1 ratio sounds like a lot, then this guide is for you. It is very easy to modify the values to whatever you want IE: 2x, 4x, 8x, etc. It is a simple manipulation of 3 values. A file extractor program (7 zip for example) is required to view the compressed "data0.pak" archive. At any point i am not responsible for any lost or damaged files. Any lost/deleted files can be recovered through the verify integrity of game files option via steam. -=How Time Works in Game=- Before modding the time to our liking, we must understand how time works in game. In the vanilla game, values are shown as this: export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__DAY = 4800.0;// (*1) export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__NIGHT = 2400.0;// (*2) export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__INTERIOR = 8640.0;// (*3) (*1) - 1h in game daytime means 3:20 minutes of real time (*2) - 1h in game daytime means 1:40 minute of real time (*3) - 1h in game daytime means 6 minutes of real time As you can see, there are three values that we must change to affect the cycle. The numbers used above are real time seconds. For example: The time multiplier for being inside is 8640 seconds for one in-game day. 8640 seconds = 144 minuets. As mentioned above, 1 hour in game = 6 minuets real time. 6 x 24 = 144 minuets = 8640 seconds. The author of the Real Time Mod has done the conversion for both 30 minuet and 60 minute in-game hours. The values being: 48000.0 = 30 Seconds (Real Time) 86000.0 = 60 Seconds (Real Time) -=Editing=- * Navigate to C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source where data0.pak is located. * Using a file compression program (i use 7zip because free). * Right click, hover over what ever zip program is listed, and select open archive (Dont extract it, theres 3gb of files in there). * In the archive viewer, find the sub-folder named scripts. * In the folder named scripts find a file named "dw_weather_def.scr" * Right click on "dw_weather_def.scr" and select Edit. * dw_weather_def.scr will open in Notepad. The information were concerned with is these three lines: export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__DAY = 4800.0;// (*1) export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__NIGHT = 2400.0;// (*2) export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__INTERIOR = 8640.0;// (*3) (*1) - 1h in game daytime means 3:20 minutes of real time (*2) - 1h in game daytime means 1:40 minute of real time (*3) - 1h in game daytime means 6 minutes of real time Simply input whatever values you desire and save before opening the game. I recommend keeping a copy of dw_weather_def.scr somewhere in case of emergencies. |