Dying Light 2 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Dying Light 2 Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

All Safe Codes:
Written by Dendy

-=Safe 1=-
– North of Houndfield in Saint Joseph hospital. This safe is part of the
first Biomarker quest.

-=Safe 2=-
– East of Houndfield. The safe is on the ground floor of the Nightrunner’s
Hideout north of Cherry Windmill.

-=Safe 3=-
– South of Horseshoe, inside the water tower. This safe requires you to side
with Jack and Joe and get arrested.

-=Safe 4=-
– East of Downtown, on top of the military airdrop building next to the bandit

-=Safe 5=-
– North of Muddy Grounds, in the basement of the water tower. Make sure to
keep the map during The Deserter quest to get the quest to hunt down this safe.

-=Safe 6=-
– South of Garrison, in Section C of the electrical station building. You can
unlock the door to the room with the safe by connecting the wire.

-=Safe 7=-
– South of Trinity at the top of the bazaar church tower. You will need lots
of stamina to reach this area.

-=Safe Codes=-
Safe 1 – 973
Safe 2 – 101
Safe 3 – 1492
Safe 4 – 313
Safe 5 – 032167
Safe 6 – 314
Safe 7 – 510

How to Set Your Server Private:
Written by MrKizu

This server helps you from keeping any outsiders away from your server!

Because the server list is already flooded with servers that you mostly cannot
get into because of the connection issues at the moment so it might be a good
thing to just have your server on private to save some space, eh?

-=1st Step=-
So first you go to your Online Menu in your pause screen and click it.

-=2nd Step=-
You go to your Online Options. It’s inside the red square.

-=3rd Step=-
You scroll the first selection until you find “Private”

I’ll give you these few terms:
"Friends Only" = Only host’s friends can join.
"Single Player" = Host is on his / her / it’s own and no one can join.
"Publix" = Any random person can join without host’s permission.
"Private" = Only the player that host invited can join the game.
And you are done!

Enjoy the outsider-free experience and please stop cluttering the server browser.

Techland already has issues with it’s servers so you’d be doing a favor to them
and players who want to hang out.

How to Change the Day/Night Cycle:
Written by FkYoSht

This is an attempt to explain the easy process of modding the day/night cycle
of the vanilla game to whatever the user desires.

First off, If you dont feel like messing with a compressed archive there is a mod
that changes the day\night cycle to Real Time Mod (1 in game hour = 1 irl hour).
If a 1 to 1 ratio sounds like a lot, then this guide is for you. It is very easy
to modify the values to whatever you want IE: 2x, 4x, 8x, etc.
It is a simple manipulation of 3 values.

A file extractor program (7 zip for example) is required to view the compressed
"data0.pak" archive.

At any point i am not responsible for any lost or damaged files. Any lost/deleted
files can be recovered through the verify integrity of game files option via steam.

-=How Time Works in Game=-
Before modding the time to our liking, we must understand how time works in game.

In the vanilla game, values are shown as this:
export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__DAY = 4800.0;// (*1)
export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__NIGHT = 2400.0;// (*2)
export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__INTERIOR = 8640.0;// (*3)

(*1) - 1h in game daytime means 3:20 minutes of real time
(*2) - 1h in game daytime means 1:40 minute of real time
(*3) - 1h in game daytime means 6 minutes of real time

As you can see, there are three values that we must change to affect the cycle.
The numbers used above are real time seconds.

For example: The time multiplier for being inside is 8640 seconds for one in-game day.
8640 seconds = 144 minuets. As mentioned above, 1 hour in game = 6 minuets real time.
6 x 24 = 144 minuets = 8640 seconds.

The author of the Real Time Mod has done the conversion for both 30 minuet and 60
minute in-game hours.

The values being:
48000.0 = 30 Seconds (Real Time)
86000.0 = 60 Seconds (Real Time)

* Navigate to
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dying Light 2\ph\source where data0.pak is located.
* Using a file compression program (i use 7zip because free).
* Right click, hover over what ever zip program is listed, and select open archive
(Dont extract it, there’s 3gb of files in there).
* In the archive viewer, find the sub-folder named scripts.
* In the folder named scripts find a file named "dw_weather_def.scr"
* Right click on "dw_weather_def.scr" and select Edit.
* dw_weather_def.scr will open in Notepad.

The information we’re concerned with is these three lines:
export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__DAY = 4800.0;// (*1)
export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__NIGHT = 2400.0;// (*2)
export float WHOLE_DAY_DURATION__INTERIOR = 8640.0;// (*3)

(*1) - 1h in game daytime means 3:20 minutes of real time
(*2) - 1h in game daytime means 1:40 minute of real time
(*3) - 1h in game daytime means 6 minutes of real time

Simply input whatever values you desire and save before opening the game.

I recommend keeping a copy of dw_weather_def.scr somewhere in case of emergencies.

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