The End of Dyeus Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: The End of Dyeus Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Pre-boss Checklist:
Written by SYPIAC.

Do you find yourself wondering “I can’t beat this boss because I’m bad or
is it because I haven’t found the necessary items”? Well, no more.
Here’s a list of things that should be sufficient to kill each boss.

Ever wonder if you’re just bad at the game or if you’re missing vital gear
to beat the bosses? Wonder no more, I’ll list the gear I’ve had at each boss
that made it possible to beat them.

Unsurprisingly, this guide is full of spoilers. Don’t ruin the fun of
discovering all the bosses for yourself. None of the listed things are
required, but are enough to make the boss beatable without too much trouble.
Naturally, the better stats you can get on your gear, the easier the boss

Wooden Shield(15 def)
Cloth tunic(10 def)
Spear/halberd, but can do with shortsword(10 att) or purely ranged
Bow(14 att)
20 arrows

Iron Shield(25 def), not necessary if you can keep your distance during phase 2 and fight ranged only
Hammer, anything that one-shots bugs and can hit through boss armor works
Desert Bow(24 att)
50 arrows, more if weapon doesn’t penetrate armor, less if you don’t use it for crowd management

Plasma cannon
200 cells
5 vials
at least 300 gold to rebuy the two above things from the merchant nearby
Iron shield/armor, anything that can block the spin move works
Good luck and patience, this boss really is just tough even with best gear

Booster(I don’t think it’s possible to win without it)
Flak vest(I forget the name, the one that gives you 20 armor, I think)
Rocket Rifle
~200 rockets(for retries – successful run should take no more than 50)

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