Shattered Pixel Dungeon Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Shattered Pixel Dungeon Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips and Tricks for Beginner:
Written By Miuzore

-=Tip #1: Don't ignore alchemy.=-
When I started out, I ignored alchemy completely. I just wouldn't use it,
thought it was completely pointless. After getting a few wins under my
belt, I was still ignoring it until a few months ago, that's when I had
a realization that alchemy is vital if you want to have consistent wins.
Here are some of the ways it can change your runs:

* Scrolls of Divination can be used to mass-identify potions/scrolls/rings
without actually using them. You usually get enough identification scrolls
from shops/drops/spawns that you can have almost every potion/scroll/ring
identified before entering 3rd stage. The surplus scrolls and potions can
them be used for further alchemy or just regular usage.

* Beacons of returning are immensely useful and save a ton of food. You're
about to enter metropolis or demon halls, but first you want to revisit
old shops and buy all scrolls/heal potions? Plop this boy down and use
scrolls of passage (basically next entry) to quickly visit them all, then
return. You can't afford something in the current floors shop that you need?
Plop this guy down and return anytime you have full inventory to offload or
enough gold.

* Curse infusions might sound really counter productive - deliberately
curse your item to have it upgraded? Surprisingly, I found it to be quite
good late game, where both your weapon and armor are upgraded to +6 or
more - it gives you a curse, yes, but also a +2 upgrade on both armor and
weapon, effectively giving you +4 extra upgrade scrolls. There's also a
hidden benefit of your weapon not teleporting away due to certain traps
later. Also, the curses you get aren't great, but they're not gamebreaking
either. If you don't have any OP-tier enchantments, try it out. If you
don't like the curse, you can always re-curse your item. Note: Don't do
this to wands (mage's staff included), unless you're running some cursed
wand build.

* This bad boy acts as a healing potion and as food with no downsides.
Invaluable for on-diet runs and very helpful on regular runs.
And that's just a few examples. There are also the elixirs that imbue you
and give you immunity to fire/toxic gas/cold which are really useful at
certain bosses. I didn't mention scroll of anti-magic, which I'll talk
about in another tip.

-=Tip #2: Trap/Challenge rooms - Alternative completion methods=
These rooms are mainly intended to be cleared by using potions that spawn
in the level. However, there are also lesser-known methods on bypassing the
challenges or completing them by using less resources.
These aren't all the methods, but the methods I was able to find.

Fire wall room - The main way you clear the room is by throwing an frost
potion next to the fire wall. However, you can save the potion by throwing
an icecap seed (blue seed) next to the fire. It will catch on fire so
quickly throw a random item on it to activate the frost effect.

Pit prison - This room doesn't have any defined “potion” way to be cleared.
There are a couple of ways this room can be tackled, though - just jumping
down and yoloing it (which would cause a lot of hurt), using feather fall
spell before jumping (no damage but a bit expensive). There is also a
middle ground - jump down without using anything but use seed of dreamfoil
(the pink one that clears debuffs) immediately after (throw it next to
yourself and step on it). This will clear bleeding and crippled debuffs,
meaning you only lose health from the jump and not from the bleed.
More will be added later.

-=Tip #3: Don't be afraid of cursed items.=-
One of the ways to get stronger when progressing is to get gear upgrades,
be it from drops or spawns or completing challenge rooms. However, if you
were anything like me you probably are extremely paranoid about equipping
new items, maybe saving an identify scroll or remove curse scroll just in

However, don't be scared of cursed items - most of the curse effects aren't
that harmful. If your current items suck and you have enough strength to
wear an unidentified item of different tier, do it! Maybe it's not cursed,
maybe it's even upgraded. Even if it is cursed, it's usually a minor
inconvenience (unless the item has fragile or metabolism (unless you have
max horn of plenty) on it then it's maybe a problem).

However, let's say you have a lot of cursed items on you because you are
a dummy and you don't have nearly enough scrolls to uncurse them. Or you
have a lot of items that you can instantly identify due to talents, but
don't want to be stuck with a cursed item equipped. What do you then?
Well, there's a few ways you can completely negate curses:

Well of healing is a really good way. What the well does is it heals you
completely, feeds you, and uncurses all worn items. What that means is you
can equip everything you can that isn't identified, and just step into the
pool. Now you have a bunch of items that you have identified (or at least,
know are not cursed), a bunch of cursed items that are no longer cursed,
and the aforementioned health and food.

This might be one of my favorite scrolls in the game - what it does is
completely negates magic temporarily. What this means for us is that we can
completely ignore the “can't unequip cursed items” part, and literally try
everything we have out at a cost of some energy and 1 remove curse scroll.
It's awesome. However, this does not remove curses from items, so keep this
in mind.

Stone of enchantment can be used to replace the curse with a beneficial
enchantment. However, the part of the curse where you can't unequip the
item stays.

There's also a way to remove a curse, which is to upgrade it.
It has a 1/3 chance of working, however I would not recommend doing it,
unless it's an item you want to use until the end.

Also, it is worth mentioning that upgrading an item will weaken the curse,
which means you can unequip it but the harmful effect stays.
Don't do this for random items unless you really have to.

-=Tip #4: Wandmaker quest items.=-
On stage 2, between floors 7 and 9 there is a wandmaker waiting for you
to help him.

The possible tasks are:
* Get him corpse dust.
* Kill a rotberry plant and bring him the seed.
* Summon an elemental and kill it for embers.
However, returning to him with the items might not be the most beneficial
thing you can do (except maybe if he gives you an embers quest, it is
quite useless to be honest).

Rotberry seed is pretty straightforward - if you combine it with blandfruit
and then eat it, you gain 1 extra strength point. Self explanatory, and useful.

If you get corpse dust, and you happen to have a wand of corruption, you can
do a really funny necromancer build, where you upgrade the wand, and once a
wraith spawns you use the wand of corruption on it. The wand has to have
certain amount of upgrades to it to instantly corrupt the wraiths, though -
up to +13 in the final level. Can also be enhanced by a corrupted dried rose,
which also spawns wraiths, but way less infrequently.

As I mentioned previously, the “fresh embers” are pretty useless - they can
be used to craft “spawn elemental” spell, however the elementals are basically
temporary minions that don't follow you between floors. Maybe if you didn't
need a wand you could use them against a boss, but eh.

Tip #5: A little bit about food.
During your adventures, you might have a lot of mystery meat in your inventory,
and maybe you were thinking "hmm, is it better to burn it, cook it with alchemy,
or freeze it?".

The answer: Freeze -> Burn -> Cook.

All of these options restore the exact same amount of food, however frozen food
has a chance to give you a beneficial effect like a heal. Burned (chargrilled)
meat just restores the food, and stewed meat (cooked) does the same thing as
burned meat, except you require alchemical energy to prepare it.

Another thing I want to add is meat pie - it requires ration of food, pastry
and mystery meat. The total ingredient sum in satiation is (2/3 + 1 + 1/3 = 2
full hunger restores). What you get is 1 full hunger restore + 450 turns of
no hunger, which effectively translates to 2 full hunger restores. What you
also additionally get is increased healing for 450 turns, which definitely is
handy, and some inventory space saved. So if you have the chance, always make
meat pies.
Note: Don't eat meat pies before fighting a boss.
Your hunger doesn't deplete during the boss fight, however the 450 turn buff does.

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