Castle Woodwarf Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Castle Woodwarf Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K

Useful Tips and Tricks:
Written by nome22

-=Full Screen=-
Want full screen like most games ” Alt + Enter ” works

* Object of the game is how fast can you get environment up to level 11.
* The amount of troops, levels, food, gold, and dragon level are just to
keep you alive and make $ to get to environment level 11.
* Your End Score is only based on how much time has passed.
* Tree levels 2, 5, and 8 appear to give out more large wood.
* Gathers don’t care how big or small the items they are carrying is only
the amount of items.
* You should not level up the dragon right away because it will drain your
resources and the first upgrade will clear the first 2 waves.
* You don’t need to worry about food right away just make sure you have
some fishermen before it drops too low. around 40 should be fine.
* When buying lumberjack try to space them out, they only chop when they
are walking to the right. if they all clump together they are a bit less
efficient, but it is not the end of the world and they group and separate
off and on as time goes by.
* If trying to deciding on more troops or upgrade troops: more troops means
more drain on fish were upgrades are just a 1 time cost of gold.
So in most cases upgrades are better.

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