Name of the file: State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition v467954 Trainer +35 (Aurora) - Author: CHA |
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition by ------------------------------------------------------- Activating this trainer ------------------------------------------------------- If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Player NumPad1: Unlimited Health NumPad2: Unlimited Stamina NumPad3: No Fatigue NumPad4: Reset Plague Infection Level # Survivor Team NumPad5: Unlimited Team Health # Player Progression NumPad6: Easy Level Up Skills and Fast Specialize # Player Weapons NumPad7: Super Melee Weapon Damage NumPad8: Unbreakable Melee Weapons NumPad9: Unlimited Ammo and Quick Item Use Multiply: No Reload Add: No Recoil Subtract: Weapon Accuracy Decimal: Unbreakable Projectile Weapons # Inventory Divide: Items In Backpacks Weigh Nothing F1: Unencumbered F2: Unlimted Parts Pickup and Protect from Steal # Base and Supplies F3: Unlimited Supplies F4: Fast Complete Buildings Upgrades Crafting F5: Easy Crafting F6: Allow Radio Use Even In Cooldowns # Game Time F7: Freeze Daylight F8: Unlimited Mission Time # Gameplay F9: Game Speed Editor Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Inventory Mouse over Item Amount # Melee Weapon Editor Dismember Impact Knockdown Lethality Weight Quietness Speed Ease of Use Max Durability # Time Time of Day (0-2400) Day Notes ------------------------------------------------------- This trainer DOES NOT WORK IN GROUP PLAY or if you are playing ONLINE and the SERVER is controlling your health and etc. It's designed for SOLO and ALONE gameplay. Unlimited Health: Unlimited Stamina: No Fatigue: Reset Plague Infection Level: Unbreakable Melee Weapons: Unbreakable Projectile Weapons: Allow Radio Use Even In Cooldowns: Toggle on for effect. Unlimited Team Health: Toggle on for effect. Works on survivors out of camp who are with you on missions. Easy Level Up Skills and Fast Specialize: Toggle on for effect. When you would normally get credit for a specific thing, this will likely automatically level you up for that category. Super Melee Weapon Damage: Toggle on for effect. Most melee weapons will easily kill the enemies. Unlimited Ammo and Quick Item Use: Toggle on for effect. Works on most guns and bows. Also may give you unlimited quick item use, for stamina and health. No Reload: No Recoil: Weapon Accuracy: Toggle on for effect. Works on most guns and bows. Items In Backpacks Weigh Nothing: Toggle on for effect. Items in backpacks weigh nothing. Unencumbered: Toggle on for effect. You are unencumbered. Unlimted Parts Pickup and Protect from Steal: Toggle on for effect. If a searchable area has parts, you can get parts over and over. Also, if creatures attack, they normally take your parts or you lose them. With this on, that does not happen. May affect other things as well. Unlimited Supplies: Toggle on for effect. Press O to see your supplies or this automatically fills them if you are in the base. Fast Complete Buildings Upgrades Crafting: Toggle on for effect. Most complete instantly. Easy Crafting: If you do not have the supplies this will allow you to craft. Note that some things still require you learn things or have the correct space. Freeze Daylight: Toggle on to instantly make it daylight and freeze it there. Unlimited Mission Time: Toggle on to keep missions from running out of time. Game Speed: Toggle on to affect game speed. Mouse over Item Amount: Mouse over items in the inventory and if they are compatible the amount of them will show here and will match the value in the game. If the value shown here does not match the game, do not edit it. Lethality: Setting this high will make the weapon have tremendous damage. Time of Day (0-2400): Setting this to 599 when it crosses 600 a new day will start. 1200 is noon. Day: A day must pass before this will fill in. ==================================================================== Mute Hotkeys: ------------------------------------------------------- To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well. You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Aurora: Support: AUTHENTICITY NOTICE: ------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE REVIEW OUR PRIVACY POLICY AT HTTPS://WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM/PRIVACYPOLICY.ASP Get more trainers and updates at |