Cyberpunk 2077 v1.6 Trainer +53 (Aurora) - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Cyberpunk 2077 v1.6 Trainer +53 (Aurora) - Author: CHA

Cyberpunk 2077 by

Activating this trainer
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.

Trainer Options
# Player
NumPad1: Unlimited Health and Stamina
NumPad2: Ghost Mode

# Enemies
NumPad3: Super Damage

# Inventory
NumPad4: Unlimited Use Items

# Weapons
NumPad5: No Reload
NumPad6: Unlimited Ammo
NumPad7: No Recoil
NumPad8: Super Accuracy

# Hacking
NumPad9: Unlimited Breach Timer
Multiply: Unlimited RAM
Add: Fast Reset RAM Skills

# Crafting
Subtract: Easy Crafting and Upgrades

# Movement
Decimal: Super Move Speed
Divide: Unlimited Cyberware Double Jump

# Hover Mode
F1: Hover In Air
F2: Float Up In Air
F3: Float Down In Air
F4: Remove Hover Mode

# Gameplay
F5: Game Speed

Editor Options
# Currency

# Inventory
Current Max Weight

# Player Progression
Street Cred Level
Street Cred Experience

# Player Ugrades
Attribute Points
Attribute Points Spent
Perk Points
Perk Points Spent

# Player Stats Reflexes
Skill Progression Level Assault
Perk Progression XP Assault
Skill Progression Level Handguns
Perk Progression XP Handguns
Skill Progression Level Blades
Perk Progression XP Blades

# Player Stats Technical Ability
Skill Progression Level Crafting
Perk Progression XP Crafting
Skill Progression Level Engineering
Perk Progression XP Engineering

# Player Stats Body
Skill Progression Level Athletics
Perk Progression XP Athletics
Skill Progression Level Annihilation
Perk Progression XP Annihilation
Skill Progression Level Street Brawler
Perk Progression XP Street Brawler

# Player Stats Intelligence
Skill Progression Level Breach Protocol
Perk Progression XP Breach Protocol
Skill Progression Level Quickhacking
Perk Progression XP Quickhacking

# Player Stats Cool
Skill Progression Level Stealth
Perk Progression XP Stealth
Skill Progression Level Cold Blood
Perk Progression XP Cold Blood

Long, involved games like this with complex scripts, you should ALWAYS SAVE OFTEN!

We have done our best to isolate the options as much as possible, but there are always a chance of unintended consequences. Best practices is to leave options OFF unless needed.

Unlimited Health and Stamina:
Toggle on and most things cannot kill you.

Ghost Mode:
Toggle on and it's as if you are dead. Enemies either are confused, cannot see you, react to sound, or will not do most attacks. You cannot SAVE while in GHOST mode. For STEALTH this is an easy way to get around, especially if crouched.

Super Damage:
Toggle on and most enemies are easy to kill.

Unlimited Use Items:
Toggle on and when you use or disassemble items, they do not disappear. Note that you can continue to pick up items as well. If something is not being created at a vendor machine or somewhere else, turn this off.

No Reload:
Toggle on and most weapons fire without needing to reload. However, your ammo count still drops.

Unlimited Ammo:
Toggle on to prevent ammo from dropping.

No Recoil:
Toggle on and many weapons will have less of a recoil when you fire them.

Super Accuracy:
Toggle on and many weapons have improved accuracy.

Unlimited Breach Timer:
Toggle on while in BREACH hacking, and you have unlimited time.

Unlimited RAM:
Toggle on and when you attempt to hack or use your RAM by pressing TAB, you have plenty.

Fast Reset RAM Skills:
Toggle on and when RAM skills activate, the timer for them will reset on many of the skills, allowing you to use the skill over and over on different units or locations.

Easy Crafting and Upgrades:
Toggle on, then enter the inventory, then enter the CRAFTING area, and select an item to craft. The trainer will simulate that you have enough components for crafting, upgrades, and quickhacks. Leaving this ON when you LOAD a game, the game will think you are actually carrying tons of items and make you encumbered, so LEAVE OFF until you are trying to CRAFT.

Super Move Speed:
Toggle on and you accelerate to fast speeds while moving. While sprinting you are likely faster than most vehicles! You can modify the speed in the trainer. Coupled with HOVER MODE, you can move across the map pretty quickly.

Unlimited Cyberware Double Jump:
Toggle on, and if you have the Cyberware component for Reinforced Tendons which allows you to double jump, you can continue to jump over and over.

Hover In Air:
Jump into the air or while falling, toggle this on to float motionless in the sky.

Float Up In Air:
Toggle on to slowly float up. As long as you are HOVERED or FLOATING UP, then you can control your direction of movement and continue moving.

Float Down In Air:
Toggle on to slowly float down. Once you begin to drop, it's impossible to control the direction you are moving.

Remove Hover Mode:
Press to remove all Hover Mode effects.

Currency' Money:
Player Ugrades' Attribute Points Spent:
Player Ugrades' Perk Points:
Player Ugrades' Perk Points Spent:
Press I to open inventory and then you can see your value. You have to have more than zero for it to show in most cases.

Current Max Weight:
Press I to open inventory and then you can see your value.

Attribute Points:
Press I to open inventory and then you can see your value. For Player Ugrades to show, you have to have more than zero Attributes for it to show in most cases. A quick way to get an Attribute if you don't have at least one is to give yourself enough Experience to reach the next Level, then SAVE. Then LOAD the SAVE and the game will give you an Attribute Point.


Mute Hotkeys:
To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is
activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well.
You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'.





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