Terraformers Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Terraformers Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Project Choices Guide (What Should You Take):
Following my Leader appraisal thread, I started to think about whether
I could put together a similar one that prioritised the Projects you
can take each turn, and ensures the player makes the best choice
(for both right now and for future turns).

Here’s my list (highest priority buildings first – you should ALWAYS take
these if they appear). However note that certain buildings drop to almost
zero priority if you have achieved a certain condition. These will appear
in my list as the “Unless” clauses below.

-=Note 1=-
Obviously, every choice is situational and you very often will have a
definite plan in mind which will dictate your choices. Take this just as
a casual list of recommendations if you are not sure.

-=Note 2=-
Always pick something that you can build this turn if you don’t already
have something to build in your hand, even if that something is sub-optimal.
Everything you build helps you snowball in this game. And the earlier you
build it the better, and the more value delivered.

-=The List=-
* Exploration Satellites [Unless: nothing, always take it. Make room in
your space projects slots if you have to. Best Project in the game imo].
* Food producer [Unless: you have at least +30 Food per turn].
* Food booster (such as Soil Factory) [Unless: You already have one in
your hand or have at least +30 Food per turn, or are absolutely miles
away from being able to build it].
* Population building [Unless: you already have one in your hand OR there
is currently nowhere decent to put one, so the next thing you plan to
build using Food is a new City].
* Science Building affecting Projects (such as Research Centre) [Unless:
You are already being offered at least 9 new Projects to chose at least
2 from every turn]. Having more choice in Projects will greatly smooth
out your run. A very under-valued card type.
* Space Port or Landing Pad [Unless: you already have at least 12-14 Trade
Routes]. Special Note: If you currently have a good flow of resources
incoming, the priority of this Project goes WAY up, possibly as high as
#1, because having the right currency to build what you need asap
facilitates everything else you want to achieve.
* Luxury Dome: Unconditional Support is fantastic. This is your Get Out of
Jail Free card. Your Ace in the hole. No need to play it early, just very
strong to have for when you need it. Of course if you are currently
Support-starved, this card’s priority goes straight to #1 [Unless: You
are so well established that you know Support is not being to be an issue
ever again in the current run].
* Power building [Unless: you have at least +10 Power per turn or already
have one in your hand].
* Robots/Train/Bus Station [Unless: there are zero good Regional Locations
nearby that the Robots or Station would allow you to reach immediately].
* Laboratory [Unless you already have at least +10 Science per turn].
* Notice I am very specifically stating Laboratory here, and not any other
Science-producing building. This is because this Project is such a quick
win and very under-costed for what it does. In short it is a terrific
* Population booster (such as Entertainment Complex) [Unless: You already
have one in your hand]. Special Note: If you are currently Support-starved,
the priority of this type of Project goes WAY up, possibly to #1.
* Win Condition building (such as Oxygen Factory or Bacterial Spreader).
* Anything else.

Beginners Guide:
Don’t panic. This game has a steep learning curve. I haven’t by any means
finished it, but after some cursing at the RNG god i have found a few tips
i wish someone had told me when i first started. So here goes.

* Don’t try to stay in the positives in the support per turn. You don’t need
those entertainment buildings when you only have one choice of card and you
can get something you can use right now, like an energy building early game.

* Build many cities, don’t try to develop your cities too much. This is
crucial, and sometimes it makes more sense to build a new city even if you
hold a juicy building that will raise the population of your existing city
(side note: robots are your friends: You can drop down a new city and throw
some robot buildings and have instant access to new locations.

* Food is king. You need food for population, and you need population for
support. So build lots of farms and do it the smart way. Position your farms
so that a farm boosting building will benefit the most. Place farms only on
rich soil (duh).

* Exploring smartly. How you explore is crucial to your success. You should
understand the priorities while exploring. Rover exploration stations and
exploration satelites are very much worth their money. A simple rule is the
rule of what can i do right now. To give an example lets say you can explore
several locations, and you can get some happiness, some research, some
titanium or some water. Take a look at the cards in your hand, at the map
and at your space projects. Are you early in the game and you hold a card
that needs titanium that could give you 3 robots but you can’t afford it
yet? Better explore where you see the titanium icon. Are you some research
away from putting down a bacteria spreader? Better get that research. Are
you mid game and one revealed location from unlocking building a city witch
you can afford? Go for that location.

* It is called terraformers for a reason. To advance, you need to start
early on raising the terraform parameters. Even when you are playing with
different winning goals, you have to put down life and have water,
temperature, oxygen, atmosphere. If you don’t start early on bacteria,
heat and oxygen you have no chance in the long run.

If you only make the most efficient moves, your progress is going to be slow.

Good reasons to start building up a new city when your existing city isn’t
finished include:

* Managing exploration costs.
* Obtaining access to new resources and/or resource types.
* Managing the support cost of sprawl.
* Getting access to a different climate zone for a lifeform spreader.
* Having access to a new city map and therefore a fresh set of adjacency

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