Six Days in Fallujah Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Six Days in Fallujah Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Six Days in Fallujah

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Disable Splash Screen:
Written by Cryptic

Get rid of the loud and long splash screen video that
plays every time you start the game.

* Navigate to where the game is installed.
* Open Sixdays Folder.
* Open Content Folder.
* Open Movies Folder.
* Delete or rename "VID_SplashScreens.bk2"
* Open the game quickly.

Important Hotkeys + Small Tips:
Written by WhiskeyMate

* Tap R = Check Mag
* Hold R = Reload
* Scroll while holding RMB = Swap between point firing/ADS
* C = Ping
* X = Flashlight
* Hold spacebar = Radio
* Stop moving to automatically check for wounds when hit
* Hold F on a downed friendly to revive them
* You can res your dead buddies once per mission by returning
to the AAV
* Game is best played without Discord comms!
* Hold Shift while opening doors to breach. Sometimes doors require
a few kicks to open.
* Shotgun can breach doors – shoot the handle.

Weapon Selection:
You essentially have no choice in what kit you get, its trying to
replicate the idea that marines would have little to none to begin

* The host only can click on each of the names in the lobby and asign
each a role prior to starting the mission.
* Those roles will determine what weapons you have in the mission.
* If you’re playing singleplayer, for the moment, you always spawn
with the Team leader kit.

Tips to Understand Objectives of the Mission:
* Usually you need to find the objective building yourself.
* Also try listening to the mission briefing, it might give you hints.
* Also sometimes the objective is a building with an al qaeda flag
on the rooftop.
* Hold left alt for map and objective marker. Unless its the cache
mission, in which case finding the objective is part of the mission.

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