Starfield Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Starfield Cheat Codes - Author: DAV


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Players may activate cheat codes in Starfield by using console
commands, which are a crucial utility.

You must first enter the command console in order to enter cheats and
console commands. Press the Tidle (~) Key while playing the game or
navigating the menus to do this. You may now type codes into the
command console once it appears.

Note: Please be aware that running some commands will make achievements

Code Effect
tgm - God Mode! Enables complete invincibility and unlimited ammo.
tim - Enables you to take damage, but you’ll never reach 0 health.
psb - Unlocks all available powers.
tdetect - NPCs will no longer detect you.
tcai - Combat AI will no longer target you.
tcl - Character collision is disabled, allowing you to fly through
walls, floors, and other objects.
killall - All NPCs in the area will be killed.
kah - All hostile NPCs in the area will be killed.

How to Change FOV:
First head to "Documents/MyGames/Starfield" and create a text file
called "StarfieldCustom.ini" making sure to remove the .txt extension
at the end.

Then edit the file and add the following lines:


Once added, save the file and Launch the game and enjoy not being motion sick!

* fFPWorldFOV is for first person
* fTPWorldFOV is for third person

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