Tales And Tactics Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Tales And Tactics Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Tales And Tactics

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Beginners Tips:
Try to get 3 of a unit to upgrade it to tier 2 as fast as possible.
Try to get units with the same traits so you get trait bonuses.

My best tip would be to try getting all the demons you can. If you’re
lucky, you can get all three common demons before you unlock uncommon
units. The demon trait is very powerful, and usually I find you can’t
go wrong with it unless the game really refuses to give you any.

Also, try to unlock the vault as soon as possible, as you can use it
to get items that allow you to copy one of your units. This allows you
get to them to a higher tier much easier than praying to the RNG gods
by rerolling your shop into them.

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