OpenTTD Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: OpenTTD Cheat Codes - Author: DAV


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Wide Coverage Train Stations (Vanilla):
There is probably a cheat code for this, or a mod. But for those
playing vanilla, here’s a neat way of stretching a train station’s
catchment area.

Say you have a few industries close to each other. You would like
to build 1 train station to service them all, but they are a little
too far apart for 1 station. Here’s what you can do…

Build a tiny station 1×1 close to one of the industries. Then build
another 1×1 platform touching the first 1×1 you just built. The two
platforms can touch each other side-by-side or diagonally. This 2nd
platform does not create another train station, but will belong to
the station of the 1st platform.

Keep adding more 1×1 platforms. As you do, they will all belong to
that one station, expanding its catchment area. You can thus expand
the station’s catchment area to cover multiple industries. You can
then build the platform you want your trains to use anywhere within
that area.

And there you have it… one station with extra wide coverage. I think
the maximum distance is 16 tiles from one end of the station to the
other, with the normal 4 tile radius of coverage for each 1×1 platform,
making the station’s total area of coverage 24 tiles across (4 + 16 + 4).

If you build these 1×1 platforms in an “X” pattern and a “+” pattern
within it, the station’s catchment area will cover 24 x 24 tiles. That
gives you one huge train station! You can place the platforms your
trains will use anywhere within that area.

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