MementoMori: AFKRPG Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: MementoMori: AFKRPG Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

MementoMori: AFKRPG

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Belle’s Profile:

* Height: 154
* Weight: 40
* Blood Type: B
* Birthday: 10/15
* Lament: Rage
* Song by: 96Neko
* CV: Yuu Asakawa

A tomboy with a rough way of speaking. After experiencing the highs and lows
of society, she now sees life for what it is. When Belle was an orphan, she
was taken in and raised by the director of an orphanage, who she looks up to
like her own mother.

“When I was a little brat, I was tossed into a garbage dump, and have been
surviving all alone ever since. I gotta have the worst luck in the world to
have been born here… Sooner or later, I’ll kick the bucket and join the mountain
of trash… That’s how life is for brats like us. I’d accepted my fate a long time
ago… but then Miss Val came into my life. I was covered in food scraps, but not
even that could dissuade her from bringin’ me home to her orphanage. Since then,
I started livin’ there… along with Miss Val and other punks.In the beginning,
everythin’ was confusing’ to me. I had an actual place to go home to, warm food…
people who’d wait for me to come home… Nothin’ but firsts for me. They were all
things I thought belonged to a world that was far beyond my reach…

The punks’d come to me, but I didn’t know how to deal with ’em… So, I stubbornly
kept shuttin’ ’em out. But they didn’t give up. They kept talkin’ to me over and
over again… and it was only a matter of time until I finally opened up. Next thing
I knew, I was their big sister. The world’s messed up, but things might be a bit
better now… At least, that’s what I thought. But in the end, the world’s just a
pile of crap. A witch’s flames burned everythin’ down—the town, the waterways… and
even the orphanage. I’ll never forgive ya, Witch of Flames! But, I wonder why…?
Whenever I think that, I remember somethin’ Miss Val told me long ago. “Violence
doesn’t solve anything… The true answer is forgiveness.” I’m sorry, Miss Val… but…
I can’t… I can’t forgive this!

When I tried goin’ to the orphanage, I met a strange guy. He had a staff that
snuffed out the cursed flames blockin’ my path in the blink of an eye. Thanks to
him, I could keep goin’, but this guy says some weird stuff. You’ll save every
single witch? Heh… Yeah, good luck with that one.T he Witch of Flames is
everyone’s enemy. There’s nothin’ out there that’ll change my mind. Miss Val,
you’d probably say, “The true answer is forgiveness…” But I just can’t forgive
the witch who murdered ya. Refusin’ to let go of my hatred, we made our way to
the orphanage… but I wasn’t ready for what was waitin’ for us.

Miss Val…? Wh-Why’s she here? She’s supposed to be… Wait, am I seein’ things?
She’s the Witch of Flames?! Dammit, what the hell’s goin’ on?! Miss Val burned
everythin’ down as if releasin’ her uncontainable anger… But it felt as if
somewhere… she was cryin’… I dunno what happened to Miss Val… but I gotta do
somethin’! I’m her family, so it’s up to me to stop her! Dammit! It’s no good.
My voice can’t reach her. What should I do? Am I really that useless?! Then I
remembered that lord’s words… and his goal to save every single witch. I denied
ya once, and I know it ain’t my duty to say anythin’, but… if you’re really
gonna save every witch out there… I beg ya… Save Miss Val…! Lord… please, lend
me your power!

There’re so many things I wanna tell ya, Miss Val. I’d like to think I survived
this far on my own, but in reality, I was saved by a lotta people. Without ’em,
I wouldn’t have made it this far. And ever since I met ya, I’ve felt as if I can
live life to the fullest, even in this crappy world. If there’s anyone like you,
or the people that saved me out there, then this world ain’t that bad. This is
our world, and I don’t wanna lose any of it! Then the flames died down… But before
they could flare up again, the lord and I quickly headed towards Miss Val. She
kept mutterin’ the word “hate,” but I definitely heard somethin’ else—“Someone,
save me…” Miss Val, I knew it…

The lord readied his staff, but he started to collapse, still feelin’ the effects
of the flames. Get a hold of yerself! I held the lord up with one hand, and reached
for his staff with the other. If just one of us ain’t gonna cut it, then I’ll lend
you my power too… Let’s do this, Lord…! Miss Val, come back to us! Return to the
gentle person ya once were! In an instant, rays of light poured down around us.
They gently put out the flames, and soothed Miss Val’s heart. I quickly rushed
over to her… but she just shook off my hand. Her eyes were still ragin’ with dark

“This world took my children away from me. I’ll have it pay… by burning everything
to ashes.” Miss Val’s words… They’re the same as mineback when I lived in the
garbage dump… I thought there was nothing for me in this piece of crap world. But…
didn’t ya teach me differently, Miss Val? Ya once spoke of hope, so don’t you deny
this world… Don’t you deny yerself! If you can’t let go of yer grudge, then leave
it be… Let me be the one to take that weight off your shoulders… I’m yer family,
after all. That’s what family’s for, right? “Belle, I knew you were a kind girl.”
The dark flames were gone from her eyes. She felt warm… just like the time she
found me in the garbage dump… Miss Val has come back to us. Miss Val, no matter
where ya go, I’ll be sure to find ya. So, let’s go together and see if this world
really is a pile of crap or not… And if yer grudge ever takes hold of you again…
I’ll be there to stop ya.

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