Nyaruru Fishy Fight Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Nyaruru Fishy Fight Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Nyaruru Fishy Fight

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Cheat Boss Rush:
Locate the Nyaruru Fishy Fight folder by going to your game files.

* SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Nyaruru\js\nya
* Open "nya_statem.js" (any text editor like Notepad++) to turn off the checks
for item consumption and getting hit.

* Press Ctrl-F to look for: BattleScore: Game_Player.prototype.trigger
* Swap out the two true statements for a false one.

-= This shoud look like this =-
Game_Player.prototype.triggerBossScoreOnHit = function() {
if(this._bossScoreRecording && !this._bossScoreOnHit) {
this._bossScoreOnHit = false;

Game_Player.prototype.triggerBossScoreUseConsumables = function() {
if(this._bossScoreRecording && !this._bossScoreUseConsumables) {
this._bossScoreUseConsumables = false;

-= Open nya_game_system.js to get more health =-
Search for battleObject().hp
replace with
Game_System.prototype.adjustDifficultyHp = function(oldmhp) {
$gamePlayer.battleObject().hp = 10000;

* The changes you make in the first file, "nya_statem.js", will stop the game
from checking if you use items or take hit.

* The second file, "nya_game_system.js", will change your health points to
10000 after you change the difficulty in the game.

-=How to Undo Changes=-
* Right-click on Nyaruru Fishy Fight in your Steam library, then go to Properties.
* Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files.
* Steam will download the original files again, which will remove the changes you made.

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