Sins of a Solar Empire II Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Sins of a Solar Empire II Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

Sins of a Solar Empire II

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Skip the Launcher:
This works on ALL games with launchers, unless the launcher is used
for authentication

* Navigate to your SOSE2 Folder
* Go to your Steam Library,
* Right-click SoSE2, select Manage > and then Browse local files
* Copy the EXE Path
* You should see the folder containing the Sins2.exe
* Select Sins2.exe, then shift + right-click on it. This opens the
context menu with extra options.
* Select Copy as Path, this copies the direct path to the file enclosed
in speechmarks.
* Set your Launch Options
* Return to your Steam Library and right-click SoSE2, select
PropertiesIn Launch Options, paste the path we copied from before.
* Do not delete the speech marks
* Finally, add a space and append %command%.
* You’re done!
* Press play and you’ll go straight to the game.
* If you want to undo this, simply remove the launch option and it’ll
open the launcher as before.

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