The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Cheat Codes - Author: DAV

The Sims 2 Legacy Collection

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Use Cheats:
* Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to open the text input console.
* Type the desired cheat command into the console.
* Press Enter to execute the cheat.
* The cheat will take effect immediately or as specified.

-=General Cheats=-
* motherlode
- Receive 50,000 Simoleons.
* kaching
- Receive 1,000 Simoleons.
* aging -off
- Sims stop aging.
* aging -on
- Sims start aging normally again.
* intProp chanceOfTwins 100
- Sims will definitely have twins.
* intProp chanceOfPregnancy 100
- Every attempt will definitely result in pregnancy.
* boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
- Allows editing of needs and skills.
* boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false
- Disables editing of needs and skills.
* move_objects on
- Allows free movement and removal of objects.
* move_objects off
- Restricts movement and removal of objects again.
* stretchskeleton x
- Changes the Sims’ height (1.0 is normal).
* slowmotion x
- Slows down the game (0 is normal speed).
* autopatch -on
- Notifies about available updates.
* autopatch -off
- No notifications about updates.
* deleteallcharacters
- Removes all neighbors from the neighborhood.
* terraintype desert
- Sets the terrain to desert.
* terraintype temperate
- Sets the terrain to grassland.
* vsync off
- Turns VSync off.
* vsync on
- Turns VSync on.
* help
- Displays a list of all available cheats.
* help x
- Shows help for a specific cheat.
* expand
- Enlarges the cheat window.
* exit
- Closes the cheat window.

-=Additional Cheats=-
* setHighestAllowedLevel (Level)
- Determines the maximum number of floors.
* boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled (true/false)
- Enables or disables build mode in dorms.
* boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation (true/false)
- Allows objects to be rotated at 45-degree angles.
* boolProp testingCheatsEnabled (true/false)
-Enables or disables debug mode in house mode.
* maxMotives
- Fully refills all needs of Sims on the lot.
* motiveDecay on/off
- Turns need decay on or off.
* aspirationPoints
- Gives the Sim enough points for reward objects.
* boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
- Activate in neighborhood mode to adjust needs, skills, and relationships.
* motivedecay off/on
- Prevents or enables need decay.
* setquartertileplacement on/off
- (off is default) after entering this cheat, press Ctrl and F to toggle
between quarter tile mode and regular tile mode, and you can then place
items in slightly more specific areas on the grid, like a 2-tile sofa in
the middle of a 3-tile space.
* boolprop snapobjectstogrid false/true (true is default)
- Objects are no longer constrained to the grid system. Tabletop or wall-
mounted objects do not apply to this.

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