Space Hack Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Space Hack Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

Release Notes

NOTE: An alternate title for this game is "Space Hack", as sold in other countries. The GERMAN Title of this game is "Novasphere 13". These cheats should also work for both Space Hack and Novaspere 13.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):

off - Turn Off all Cheat Codes.

resurrect - If "Your hero is dead", then this will bring his rotting corpse back to life.

normal damage - Your weapons resume Normal damage levels to enemies.

super damage - Your weapons do Extra damage to enemies.

normal items - Items resume Normal wear and tear with use.

super items - Item Durability no longer decreases. This means that items will not break.

immortal - You are immortal. No damage from attacks.

mortal - You are mortal once again. Normal damage from attacks.

ai off - Enemy Artificial Intelligence is turned off. Enemies will not move nor initiate attacks against you (some may counter-attack after your first attack: they seem to be in defense mode).

ai on - Enemy Artificial Intelligence is turned back on.


1. Start the game.
2. Begin a New Game or Load a Saved Game
3. Open the Cheats Dialog Box:
While holding Ctrl & Alt, hit F6, and finally release all the keys.
4. Enter your codes.

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