Bricks of Camelot v1.00 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Bricks of Camelot v1.00 Cheat Codes - Author: TNT

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):
DESTROY Destroy Yourself and Lose one life

ARROWS Upgrade your Paddle with Arrows

LATMASK Jump to the Next Level

SESAME Unlock all 15 Level Packs
Your SaveGame file will get updated also.
If you quit the game and then restart it, it will also
allow your High Scores to be SAVED.
TNT did not use this to make the Unlocker
(note our 8Ǟ Levels completed on the last Level Packs versus
the cheat's 0Ǟ Levels completed)

BATDUDE Receive 9 Lives

RESET Reset your Saved Progress back to the Factory Defaults
Your SaveGame file will get updated also.


1. Start the game.

2. Begin a New Game or Continue an old one. Cheat Codes only work during play.

3. Enter your codes (just type the word of the Code you want to use and realize
that there is no need to hit the ENTER key at the end either).

NOTE: the game will not allow your High Scores to be saved if you use any
Cheat Codes.

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