Firemans Adventures v1.0 Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Firemans Adventures v1.0 Cheat Codes - Author: PIZZA

Once inside the game, goto the LEVEL CODE option and type the
following levelcodes as desired.

Use these levelcodes without the quotes:

4 - "FLOWER"
5 - "CIRCLE"
6 - "SODA"
7 - "PHONE"
8 - "WATER"
9 - "FIRE"
10 - "HOUSE"
11 - "DOG"
12 - "TRAIN"
14 - "HYPPO"
15 - "SPEAKER"
16 - "TSHIRT"
17 - "SUN"
18 - "MOON"
19 - "NIGHT"
20 - "TOWER"
21 - "CASTLE"
22 - "WHITE"
23 - "CAT"
24 - "AMADEUS"
25 - "EGG"
26 - "CAR"
27 - "MACHINE"
28 - "STARS"
29 - "JUPITER"
30 - "SHIP"
31 - "FRIENDS"
32 - "ROGALO"
33 - "DAY"
34 - "ICE"
35 - "STONE"
36 - "SWORD"

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