Shady O'Grady's Rising Star Cheat Codes - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Shady O'Grady's Rising Star Cheat Codes - Author: ANO

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):

Shure [unknown effect]
(may not be a real cheat code)

Fender [unknown effect]
(may not be a real cheat code)

exportequipment [filename] Equipment exported to equipment.csv
Equipment exported to xxx.csv (if you specified
a filename)

nextsong skip to the next background music song

imustbeemo lol! (die by use of cheat code!)

discover discover all locations on the game maps.
Hint: if you are in a building such as Home,
click "Get Outta Here". Then you will be
driving your crappy van, where there is a
mini-map. This cheat code will "unlock" or
"discover" all of the locations on the map so
you don't have to drive around for hours
finding places.

allclothing get all clothing for free (or be a nudist if
you like)

resettutorial re-enable the tutorial tips

scrilla add $1,000 money to your account

1. Start the game.

2. Open the game Console:
Hit the key " ` " or " ~ " also known as Tilde.

A CONSOLE box should open with a cursor.

3. Enter your codes.

4. For most codes, there is no notification of successful entry or of failure.
The game makes a sound either way. Just look around the game for the effect!

5. Props to ARMADA for *not* greeting lame thief groups (certain newbie groups
could take the big hint: BRP)!

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