Zombie Apocalypse - PS3 - Trainers City - Cheats & Soluces -

Name of the file: Zombie Apocalypse - PS3 - Author: ANO

Saving survivors
Stand next to survivors and throw a teddy bear in a safe direction to distract the zombies.

Game modes
Complete the indicated ask to unlock the corresponding modes. Note: All modes are unlocked after Day 55 is completed.
Chainsaw Only: Complete a level with all kills done with the chainsaw. You cannot have any environmental or Zombie Bait. In this mode you are limited to the chainsaw and Zombie Bait.
All Weapons: Unknown. In this mode you can use any weapon with unlimited ammunition. Press Left or Right to scroll through the weapons.
Blackout: Unknown. In this mode your view is limited to a small circle around your character. The circle expands when more players are near. Also, radioactive zombies become very visible.
Hardcore: Survive seven days with no deaths. In this mode you only have one life and cannot gain any more.
7 Days Of Hell: Unknown. This mode consists of seven very long levels with a different graphics effect.
Turbo: Get a 100x multiplier. In this mode everything moves faster.

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation3 trophy rewards.
A Week to Live (Silver): Complete 7 days in any game mode without dying.
Anniversary of the Dead (Gold): Complete the Final Day, in either Single or Multiplayer, and finish the game.
Can't Touch This (Bronze): Rack up a lOOx multiplier in any game mode.
Environmental Awareness (Bronze): Kill a zombie using an environmental hazard in any game mode.
Friends in Low Places (Silver): Save 25 survivors in any game mode.
Gas Powered (Bronze): Complete an entire arena, getting every kill with the Chainsaw.
Gun Shop (Bronze): Kill at least one zombie with each weapon type in any game mode.
Hotter than Hell (Silver): Complete the final day of the "7 Days of Hell" unlockable mode.
Interior Decorator (Bronze): Kill 25 zombies in any game mode using environmental hazards.
More the Merrier (Bronze): Kill 10 or more zombies at the same time in any game mode.
Socialite (Bronze): Play in an online multiplayer game.
Tour of the City (Bronze): Complete each arena at least once in the same game in any game mode.

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