Name of the file: Castlevania : Lords of Shadow - PS3 - Author: ANO |
Cheat mode: Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X at the loading screen. Note: Enabling cheat options will prevent trophies from being unlocked and the game from being saved. Cheat mode (Japanese version): Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X at the loading screen. Note: Enabling cheat options will prevent trophies from being unlocked and the game from being saved. Completion bonus: Complete the game to unlock Snake's bandanna and eye-patch for Gabriel. Vampire Wargame: Solve the Vampire Wargame puzzle during the main storyline to unlock it at the "Extras" menu. Chapter 6-4: Easy experience: To easily gain experience in Chapter 6-4, kill the Evil Butcher, but do not take his key. Press Start, and select the "Reload Last Checkpoint" option to resume at the Quick Time Event where you need to hit The Evil Butcher's helmet. Repeatedly kill the butcher while not taking his key to earn approximately 1,000 experience points each time. Chapter 10: How to defeat the Silver Warrior: Most of his attacks can be blocked. When you move close to him, he will use an attack that is incredibly easy to get a synchronized block on. Just block the moment you see him attacking and it will most likely be a synchronized block. Then, use the Direct Counterstrike combo while he is dazed and repeat the process. Once your attack is over, he will use the same strike as before, allowing you to block and attack almost indefinitely. This works for both the start of the battle and after you get your magic back. While this does take slightly longer than magic-infused attacks, this is useful if you are trying to finish the trial and want to prevent Pan from healing. Maniac Mansion: Day Of The Tentacle easter egg: When you first begin the "Abbey Tower" level, immediately walk out to the left from the corridor you are standing in and look for an old wooden cart against the side of the building. Destroy the cart to find a fallen comrade on the ground underneath the debris, whom has a note attached. Pick up the note to read a reference to his sister Laverne and brother Bernard, and it is signed by "H.", which refers to the other main character known as Hoagie. Trophies: Bronze trophies Dark collector - Gather all 30 Shadow gems. Light collector - Gather all 30 Light gems. Green collector - Gather all the 30 Life gems. Master philanthropist - Buy all the extra artwork. Skirmish - Finish all levels in Esquire difficulty. Gest - Finish all levels in Warrior difficulty. Welcome to the Club - Buy a combo. Brawler - Buy 15 combos. Experienced - Acquire 1000 experience points. Seasoned - Acquire 20000 experience points. Chapter I - Defeat the Ice Titan. Chapter II - Get the Dark Gauntlet. Chapter III - Acquire the power of the first Dark Lord. Chapter IV - Kill the Crow Witch. Chapter V - Gain access to the Vampire Castle. Chapter VI - Leave the Refectory with the Butcher's key. Chapter VII - Survive the encounter with Laura. Chapter VIII - Acquire the power of the second Dark Lord. Chapter IX - Persuade Baba Yaga to open a portal to the Necromancer area. Chapter X - Vanquish the Gravedigger. Chapter XI - Acquire the power of the third Dark Lord. Chapter XII - Defeat Satan and save the world. Silver trophies Master jeweler - Gather all hidden magic gems. Crusade - Finish all levels in Knight difficulty. Epic victory - Finish all levels in Paladin difficulty. Master fighter - Buy all combos. Veteran - Acquire 100000 experience points. Master improver - Find all the secret Brotherhood arks. Trials Chapter I - Complete all the trials for Chapter I. Trials Chapter II - Complete all the trials for Chapter II. Trials Chapter III - Complete all the trials for Chapter III. Trials Chapter IV - Complete all the trials for Chapter IV. Trials Chapter V - Complete all the trials for Chapter V. Trials Chapter VI - Complete all the trials for Chapter VI. Trials Chapter VII - Complete all the trials for Chapter VII. Trials Chapter VIII - Complete all the trials for Chapter VIII. Trials Chapter IX - Complete all the trials for Chapter IX. Trials Chapter X - Complete all the trials for Chapter X. Trials Chapter XI - Complete all the trials for Chapter XI. Trials Chapter XII - Complete all the trials for Chapter XII. Gold trophies Master achiever - Complete all the trials. Eleventy party - Get 110% completion rate in all levels. Platinum trophy Platinum - Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies. |